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Jk2 Online For Xbox???


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I was deciding whether or not to purchase Xbox.


However, with an Xbox port of JKII I just might go for it now. The PC version is vastly superior to any console version (mainly because of the existance of modifications/user levels, but I heard the Xbox can do that ?).


The Xbox has some great specs... anyone with a low-end computer (such as myself) could appreciate the Xbox version of this incredible PC game. Plus, with Xbox's built in broadband, users with a poor modem speed could take advantage of the ability to play online (if supported).


Verdict: About time a great Star Wars action game came to a console!




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Consoles and PCs both have their advantages. With the PC games you got your game mods. Custom skins if this goes multiplayer. Easier to type messages to the other players. What are they gonna do about taunting? Does the XBox have a keyboard?


But with console games, you don't have to worry as much about the damned game dicking you around. When they release a game for a console they don't have to worry about supporting this video card or that. The specs and hardware of the machine are all the same, so if the gamer works well for the developers then it's guaranteed to work well with you too unless your machine is defective.


I'll probably stick with the PC versions of games for now because my comp runs em well enough, and right now we can do more with the PC. Besides, I don't own XBox and I wouldn't buy it for this game alone, especially since I own the PC version already. Maybe when we can all start modding our console games I'll begin to favor those more.


Hmm...as an afterthought, at least on the Xbox you might be able to play 2-4 players on splitscreen. I kinda wish that computer games let you do that so that everyone in the same house could play at once without having to network their comps and have multiple copies of the game.

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I used to be a trustee, when PC platforms dominated consoles. It would've been (and was) absurd to put Dark Forces on the playstation, and Jedi Knight... please, there wasn't a console out there then that could even support it. And even it by devine intervention Nintendo or Sony was able to adapt Jedi Knight into their systems, the multi-player support would have been laughable.


That was then, this is now....


The sophistication of the XBOX and Gamecube are such that Jedi Knight and Jedi Knight II can be played on these consoles without loosing anything to the PC platform. That being the case, why not. To tell you the truth, being a XBOX owner myself, it's about time they bring a SW title to the XBOX that's worth a damn.


Plus... four players on one screen, can't beat it if you live in a house full of stoners who can't wait their turn!!!! ;)

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Consoles have their place too.. :) Does anyone know if the Xbox users will be playing with PC players? From what I know of the XBox online thing they all go through an XBox variant of the MSN network & they might not be able to get to a PC server, but most likely XBox servers. If JO gets another patch how will the console players handle it?


Theres Everquest in development for the PS2, but they can't play with PC folks. Theyve made a simplified copy of Norrath just for the PS2 users. This might happen with JO... *shrug* :)

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i kinda doubt that you will be able to play xbox vs pc games online. i would htink that the files would conflict somehow.


and multiplayer on a 4 way split screen sucks. you cant sneek up on people, because they can see you where you are. now if you could LINK your xboxes and play on different TV's. THAT would be cool.

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consoles and pc's are totally different. pc's are good for playing over the net with friends and a lot of rts and fps games. consoles are better for parties and playing with a few friends at your house for fighting games, sports games, driving games, etc. twisted metal series is a perfect example. that game rules as a party game. not sure it would be quite as cool over the internet. its nice to be sitting right near your enemies and allies. (btw twisted metal: black kicks ass - side note: i got the first retailed copy to be sold to the public in the US-pacific timezone =p)


one thing that consoles have is the standard specs. that way, a game doesn't have to have a wide range of settings, and it isn't as bloated, it is the same for everyone. another thing is portability, another thing is cost. to get an xbox or playstation 2 costs about the same amount as a decent video card, let alone the processor, motherbard, ram, case, sound, card, hard drive, ad infinitum.


that said, pc's are great for lan and internet games. fps' on pc's totally blow fps' on consoles out of the water. the controls and ability to haveso many controls bound is second to none. it is also nice to be able to type messages to people with keyboards... rts' suck on consoles...badly, that is a totally pc dominated category.


it all comes down to game choice and setting. best to have both methinks ;). there is no argument in the pc vs. console argument. neither side has a point, they are completely different and are equally good in different respects.

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PC is far better (and far more expensive) than any console. You can just do so much more, and we have online internet play with millions of users. Consoles don't really have that (at least not yet).


But some console games just aren't out there on PC. Zelda or Final Fantasy for example. And you can't get that console-multiplayer-4-people-around-the-tv fun on a PC.


EDIT: Console = Stick the game in and it works. No errors, no install, no crashes, no incompatablities, no tech support indians.

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