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saber spin shield


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this guy had a saber spinning round him like a shield


how do i do it?


someone told me to hold down sec.fire, then dodge the saber as it comes back and hold down primary but it dont work :s


ne one else got ne ideas?

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Agreed. Don't bother. You can actually stand right in the path of that swirling "saber shield" and take absolutely no damage.


I make a point of turning my saber off and standing right in front of it when someone does it to me.

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it's a good way to pass the time when the guy you're trying to duel is a complete pussy and spends the entire fight trying to run away from you.


I experimented with a bot once, it took me almost 30 minutes to kill him with this trick. :p


In other words it's just eye candy.


It basically works by you throwing your saber, dodging it as it flies back to you, holding the primary attack key down, and hoping it falls into orbit.

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people actually use it as a shield? LOL well i enjoy pulling the move just for fun and to impress people when they are like "WTF your cheating!" LOL


Art: actually it does some damage, i dont have the exact count for it but it does dmg somehow not too much though, i once pulled it off in a middle of a barrage of people in ffa and out of pure luck hahaha it killed the main spammer in the game :D


zero: yep thats how to do the move, it takes a little timing though keep practicing and once you get the hang of it you can leave your sabre and itll come alive *not really* but it stays there on its own,...

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hehe poor guys, they still dont get it :(


use the secondary attack key to throw the saber about 10 feet from you (GAME feet, dont hold the button down until you can barely see the saber :D)


then when you're about to catch the saber quickly tap back, then right, then forward, then left. it should take you less than 2 seconds to finish that sequence. just keep on doing tapping back-right-forward-left to keep that saber going around you. very cool eye candy, and really easy to do.


i have a question about this attack too, but i'll start a new thread for it.


oh, and no you dont need a certain level to do this trick. i think it consumes force power but it does so very slowly and even when you're down to your last bar of force you can still do it.

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