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Morgan Katarn--a Jedi?


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Question... what the heck is Morgan Katarn doing in ghost form in the Valley of the Jedi? I've never heard of anyone who's not a Jedi appearing to anyone as a ghost--or was Kyle just going psychotic from grief at his believed-loss of Jan? Wouldn't it have made more sense for Rahn to appear in the Valley?

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Originally posted by Jedi_Monk

Question... what the heck is Morgan Katarn doing in ghost form in the Valley of the Jedi? I've never heard of anyone who's not a Jedi appearing to anyone as a ghost--or was Kyle just going psychotic from grief at his believed-loss of Jan? Wouldn't it have made more sense for Rahn to appear in the Valley?


I remember reading an interview with someone (from either LEC or Raven, don't recall) who was in charge of many script items, and was under the distinct impression that Morgan was, in fact, a Jedi.


Apparently we didn't succumb to the Mind Trick ... Morgan Katarn is no more a Jedi that Padme's handmaidens are Reborn ... (couldn't help myself ;) )


Yes, Rahn would have made more sense - for those of us who had played the previous games. Perhaps they could have used Yoda instead ... then the question would have just been "why"?



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If anyone played Dark Forces II: Jedi knight you will remember that in either level 3 or 4 we go back home and find... Our father's light saber! yes that would be Morgan's light saber. But if you didn't play the last one I could see the confusion.

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Jedi Knight 1 gave me the distinct impression that Morgan Katarn was indeed a Jedi Knight. Just think about it, the evidence is overwhelming...


Why else would Morgan Katarn have the only known map of the Valley of the Jedi? And why during Old Republic times would Rahn and Morgan have been such good friends. Why Would Morgan have a seeker droid and a lightsaber (even if it was a gift)? Why would Rahn give a lightsaber to someone who wasn't a Jedi, so they can cut their own arms off? Why would Morgan have kept the lightsaber and seeker droid a secret? Didn't Morgan's Workshop wall have detailed specs of a lightsaber?


It just seemed that Morgan was at some point in time... a Jedi. Maybe just a padawan but left to go into hiding, before completeing his training to escape the Jedi Purge. Or even a Jedi Knight who decided to raise a family without fear of his family being hunted by the new empire, so he gave up the Jedi ways and went into "hiding". But I still think he was a Jedi at some point.

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There is simply not enough evidence in the games either way. However, if you look at the three Dark Forces novellas from Dark Horse Comics, we find that Morgan Katarn, while not a full Jedi, was force sensitive. This was how he found the Valley in the first place.


The question now though, is how he did the ghost trick when he WASN'T a full Jedi. Lucas has implied that the ghost trick is pretty rare, and was a trick taught to Obi-Wan by Yoda.

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Ok, wild guess time!


Maybe the Force itself saw the upcoming danger due to Desann using the Valley after Kyle's wreckless actions and decided to perform a little miracle, if you will. I mean, the Force can do whatever it wants, right? The only better thing would have been to bring Jan's spirit there to talk him out of it, but we all know why that wouldn't work. :D

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Aahhh !!!


no you are wrong ...


in JK, Morgan Katarn gave Kyle Rahn's lightsaber ...


remember the line : This saber belongs to an old friend Rahn.

may not be the precise one but it just illustrates the fact.


Also at 'Home' you saw construction plans for a Lightsaber ...

dunno why or how ... but that might indicate Morgan being a Jedi ...


Also Morgan was a Protector of the 'Valley of the Jedi'

"Your father gave his life to protect the Valley of the Jedi, and no w it is a place your destiny must take you"


Well giving a non-jedi the job to pretect a sacred place for Jedi's is like replacing Bush's bodyguards with chickens ....


Also in the final Cutscene on the lightsight you see Kyle cutting away a stone ... and then you see Rahn and Morgan standing together ... and Kyle sais "Thank you father"


but still it wasnt Morgan's lightsaber Kyle found or got from that housedroid ...

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I haven't played DF2:JK for years, but I came away with the impression that Rahn had met Kyle, sensed how strong in the Force he was and left the lightsaber, droid and specs with Morgan to give to his son. Maybe Rahn even intended to train Kyle as a Jedi himself?

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YUP... definatly have a job tonight... first, re-install my OS... I hate it that old games won't play on Win2K. Then re-install 2K so I have a dual boot again. Then re-install JK. Then play through level 4 to figure out at least this much of the storyline. This sux! Oh well... I'll use the cheats and make it fun, since that game is so much better after you have the saber. I'll let you all know what I find tomorrow.



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The key is the Valley of the Jedi, where thousand of dead Jedi spirits remain in peace.


Everytime a Force sensitive person appears to Kyle, this Force senstive person was located into the Valley.


Qu Rahn (Kyle Katarn's vision ) : The Valley.


Morgan Katarn : The Valley.


It's the Valley that gathers all the energy that makes such things possible to happen.


But the counterpart of that is that Force sensitive spirits seem to be stuck in the Valley.


Oh, btw, it was said that the Valley was a lost battleground that housed a fight between Jedi and Sith.


I remember that someone here even said that the unknown planet was Ruusan. Well, this is a thing which I doubt, but who knows ? It looks really different from the drawings shown in the Jedi vs Sith comics.

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Morgan was not a full Jedi, but was force sensative. He appeared to kyle in the same way Yoda, Vader, and Obi appeared to Luke in RotJ. I thought you had to be a Light Force Full Jedi to appear like that. I guess that is wrong or in the game Morgan is a Jedi.

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Someone has already said it. Morgan was the chosen Guardian of the Valley. What good is a guardian if you can't see him? Even if Kyle is the guardian after Morgan dies, Morgan's spirit remains to protect it when Kyle is away.

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