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Guide To Sp And Mp Skin Conversion


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Yep made a new game and everything still no luck.

Its been a 3 week project that has turned into a real pain.

What I will say (and hopefully you will have a solution) is that its the sith model of anakin made by Toonces, Arco and Mar's. model "glm_epi1obi1" I am dieing to play anakin sith style without the robe. If you have seen anyone who has done this already or done it yourself that would ease things up for me so I can figure out how to make desann tougher than he is now.



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Ok.. I'm about to throw the computer out the window...

I changed everything that had ep1_obi to kyle and nothing is working.. and for some reason everything's a .jpg and not .tga and I don't know anything about what I'm doing. SO.. if someone would be so kind to transfer the MP Episode I Obi-wan to SP I would be eternally greatfull. I don't understand anything I'm doing and I just deleted all my save files from the previous game and I basically screwed myself with something that didn't work.

So.. like I said if Anyone would be kind enough to transfer it to SP and either send it to me or release it.

My email is jknox05@yahoo.com and another in which I don't seem to check often epicghost@yahoo.com





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well....hi guys i'm new here.I've read all the replies on this section for the conversion from mp to sp skin files.Apparently everybody has problems.My problem is that in each single damn skin i have downloaded there is no model_defalut_''skinname''.skin file.For example in Cheshire_arco_vader v2.0,there is only a model_default.skin Can anyone please reply to me or just give me an answer.My email is darthzac@hotmail.com.:atat: :atat:

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yes but then Darklighter's tutorial can't be used if there is no model_default_skinname.skin file.I've tried converting mp skins to sp in a thousand ways,but with no results.Cheshire_arco Vader 2.0 has in the models---player folder the images and then a model.glm,a model_cheshire.skin,a model_default.skin,and then a model_red.skin and a model_blue.skin.It's really confusing.I would be pleased if sb told me how to convert him or email him to me at darthzac@hotmail.com:lsduel::lightning:mob:

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Trullivan1, I'll do that for you, just wait a minute and tell me what exactly you want:


Sith version of Toonces' obi, with anakin's face, and without robe, that's it? Anything else? If that if what you want just confirm this message and I'll PMed you the file.


O.k. The Rebel is leaving the building...

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Epic, same thing dude, I can do the SP convertion, because it's not a big deal, but I only do that if Toonces wants and approved me to do it.



A Single Player version of this model will be available at http://www.drivingcatstudios.com shortly after the time of release.


This is a quote from the readme file of the Obi_ep1, for that reason I have to ask first and wait for approval. And this is not for release.



The Rebel is leaving the building...

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No word from Toonces yet, but yesterday I test the sith anakin, and it works well, without robe, with the sith clothes but the face is kinda weird, you can see some black lines all over the head, but that's is a skin problem and easy to fix.


I'll try send another message to Toonces.



Late, dude!

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O.k. first, create a directory named models, then inside models make a dir called players, and then inside this last one make a folder named kyle.


something like this c:/models/players/kyle/



Get the MP model that you want to convert, and extract in some temporal folder. Now, you copy the model.glm file from MP folder to models/payers/kyle/


Do the same with all the images.



Copy the model_default.skin if exist, or the model_default_"skinname".skin, whatever you want or have available. You must name ir model_default.skin when you put the file into models/payers/kyle/


Open model_default.skin and change all the relative path of the skin files to models/payers/kyle/


for instance, if you have this:










change it for this:










If you find this:















Leave that part untouched.



save the file and proceed to packing from the models folder level.

just select the directory named models, and with right-click select add to zip (if you have winzip, if not try to download it)



At this point you have a.zip file with the model, the skin, and the .skin file. Now replace the .zip extension for .pk3 and put this .pk3 file in your game "base" folder. It must work.

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thank you a lot but I found my mistake before you posted the reply.....it was that I extracted the skin in a temp folder and then turn the temp in a pk3 instead of the other folders inside(models,sounds,etc).Now I can play my game as Vader!!!!WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOO.:atat: :atat: :atat: :atat: :deathstar:deathii::vadar: :vadar: :duel:

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Not a problem, like I said I am patient. And good things come to those who wait.

I did have another question that I was hopeing maybe you could answer for me.


I've seen several mods where the animation for your characters moves has been changed including the stances. I would REALLY love to learn how to do this because there are a few things I would really like to change with the stances and such. However Im extremely illiterate when it comes to the changeing of the animations. Do you have any suggestions on how I would go about doing this in the most simplest way? What I want is actually not too advanced but it would really make my gameing experience a whole heck of alot better.


(just to list the changes I'd liketo make)


All stances do the backstab

Yellow and blue stance holds the saber like Red stance

Yellow stance would be faster

Red Stances would be faster

Roll would be hand flip

Jumping would look more like a "force" jump then the knee bending one we get.


Any idea on how to do this and I would be forever in your debt.



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  • 2 weeks later...

u can change the visual moves by opening the animation.cfg in Word and changing the frame #s beside the move u want to changr. a good way 2 do this is 2 open modview and find the anim u want, its name, then the frame #s of the anim u want and replace them in animation.cfg. 4 the speed editting that would B coding i think and is only in MP Bcause the source code is not out 4 SP.

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I have Windows XP as well and here's how I managed to work it.I think it's the same with Windows 98.However do not turn the temp folder into a pk3!!!!!!!because the skin will not work!!!Instead turn all the folders inside that temp folder into pk3.First you select all the folders.Then right-click on one of the folders and click add to zip...(not add to temp.zip for example)when you select add to zip...a menu pops out which says the name of the folder you right-clicked on.e.g.if you clicked on models folder it will say at the end models.zip Now erase the models.zip extension and write kyle.pk3.It's ready to be placed in the base folder now.I hope that helps.If you have any questions don't hesitate to ask me at darthzac@hotmail.com !!!!!!!

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since i first read darklighters tutorial i've gotten pretty decent at sp conversions and i was thinking about releasing a mod please check out my screenies pages and let me know what you think.

http://www.geocities.com/tmooreii/ep2 or http://www.geocities.com/tmooreii/jk2

i'm going to release one or the other so let me know which one

thanks guys!



if anyone has some questions that they think i might be able to answer please let me know. oh and one more thing. i'm having trouble getting jango's armor to show up in the game. the model i'm using is not the mandolorian skin that is so popular. he works fine in mp but for some reason not in sp i've got the shader file in the right place but i just don't know what i'm doing wrong.

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