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Padme model in progress

Anavel Gato

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Originally posted by pakmannen

just wanted to say that i just submitted an arena level.. (ffa)

it's not exactly like the one in the movie, but it's big!


it's my first map ever btw, so don't expect too much :)


tjenna svenne :)


link plz?

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Still working hard :)

And made a tiny bit of progress...




I am still working on the boots so please don't comment on them.

Other than that I am adding some more/different shade to her legs and booty and making the wrinkles on the side of her legs different.

After that/tonight I am leaving the skin and model for what it is and will work on getting it in JK2. I started the capping and have alligned the tags.


I ws wondering if the caps need a skin too? I was thinking about giving all the caps the same skin. I made a nice small one that looks like round "rings" of red flesh with a round white part in the middle that looks like a bone. It would be cool if caps can have a skin because than it will really look like you're slicing her up :)

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you're padme's coming along fine, thanks for the update! other than the stuff you mentioned you were still working on, the skin looks perfect.


thank god its almost done, otherwise some people's heads would of exploded :D


how much do you wanna bet there's still gonna be some "email this skin to me" posts? my guess is there'll be two before the model is done.

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Originally posted by El_graco

...but is caps the image you see when you slice somebody up?


Yep. The model is segmented in parts that you can slice of and the caps are the polys that close thos bodyparts. Other wise you would be able to see inside a sliced up leg for instance.

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Just a thought, Are you going to have the "non-torn" version of her outfit, and maybe like Absath/Bloodriot did with Tyrion, you could add a version of her with her cape on as well?


Also, if anyone has downloaded Absath/Bloodriot's Tyrion, go vote on which is thew superior version! http://www.lucasforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=63808 PS- Sith are losing...badly

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May i say attention to detail is amazaing..


I mean.. tears, the cuts.. and the use of shaders are really impressive....


Im really happy for ya....And if ya think youve only done a little bit.....look at ya last update and then youll see that ya just did the whole bottom half.... :D :D :D :D


Nice Job

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By "booty" I assume you mean chest :D


I noticed some improvements that could be made in the chest department (ehm.. after a very cursory glance, of course.. *coughs*). You've probably already noticed and are updating as necessary, but in case you haven't noticed, I'll point this out...


In the film, Padme's breasts don't hang down like most womens' do, it looks kind of like her clothes are pressing her breasts as flat as possible against her chest. This creates a kind of oval appearance for each breast, the longest part of the oval being heightways. They stick out most in the middle, and symmetrically slope back at the same angle at both the top and the bottom. It's kind of hard to describe, but basically it means there's not much shadow under the breasts. Someone's probably got a good pic they can use to point this out.... or maybe it's just my deteriorating eyesight. :)

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