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Padme model in progress

Anavel Gato

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Originally posted by beep00beep

True, but i like choices... if u have time, i think it would be better to have both of em.


Its up to you of course.


Well...to have 2 skins I kinda have to make the neat outfit first. Then I'd make the torn outfit by slicing of half her shirt and make tears in the back. Paint her lower belly and back and scratches on her back. I'll decide later on.

Right now I'm painting wrinkles in her armpits and under her boobs :D

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i dont know if any one has said this but the chin needs to go up a little and be less pointy. Also the jaw needs to go out some more. other wise it looks great.

look at this pic







Duct tape is like the force, it has a lightside and a darkside, and it holds the universe together.


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Originally posted by Epimetheus

I think you should keep the non-ripped skin. Its... more... um... er... sophisticated? I guess I'll never fit in with this mid-drift obsessed society we live in...


Ummm...that would be "midriff."

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Originally posted by dpittman42

Great work! I don't know if you've seen this yet, but the middle pic is an excelent reference photo. Hi-res too.


Wow! Excellent pics. Thanks a bunch! :D


on a sidenote will you make a model of anavel gato or his gp-02?

That model has ben made for Q3 by this guy names Ronin and you can download it at http://www.planetquake.com/polycount. He made a bunch of other nice Gundam models. For the Q3 MOD I'm working on we're doing the GP02 though.


How is a photo-realistic skin not good? I don't see how that can be...

I have to agree with you on that 1. The more real the better! :)

1 thing though...a photorealistic head can look odd when the rest of the body's skin doesn't have this same realism. From what I've done so far I think that this might not be a problem. If it will be that I'll just reduce the photorealism a bit by just redrawing bits of the face skin manually.


To come back on the "photorealism = bad" thing ... evolution of games is shown in e.g. in an improvement of the quality of the graphics with as goal to make everything look as detailled and real as possible. If that weren't so we'de be all playing Dark Forces or DOOM with better AI :D Well...anyways...that's my preception of it :)

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i donno..... i just think a photo realisitc skin in a game looks rather..... odd.... and it wont look like all the other skins so that will be kinda werid too + photo faces have a flat face and there isnt a lot of detail like eye sockets, lips, ect . And i dont want to sound like an @$$ when i say this but, i rater hated the last pic of the skin's face i was rather dissapointed :( if there was one reason why i wouldnt download the skin the photo face would be it... unless someone made a skin with a non-photo realistic face


When your doing a model of a real person the more realistic the better. Besides some of the detail will be lost in game anyway.


All of the SW characters arnt real people, the actors/actreses that play them are, and this is a GAME not a MOVIE 3D models look better in a game IMO and i thin the Lando and luke modles look good

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i think a photo-realistic texture is great if implemented well. some are just slapped on and not modified, which makes them look out of place with the rest of the model. If they're going to do a photo texture, they should make sure the rest of the skin is good too. but then again, the photo won't really be noticible in the game, when your chasing them down to slaughter :D

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looks like this is going to be one of the best models in any game. i dont think anyone's going to be using the regular models anymore, there's just gonna be a bunch of natalie's/padme's running around and i have absolutely no problems with that whatsoever :D


i'd like to point out a few things with her face, if you dont mind:




i think this is a good pic to go by. there's a couple of areas that seem a lil disproportionate.


her jawline is too low and rounded. her chin could be more pointy.


her hairline seems a bit high, and her forehead too big. i think that lowering the hairline by a centimeter or two would fix everything.


the color's kind of dull. her skin's a bit more reddish, and her lips have that really nice shade of ruby-red.


i drew lines here to show some of the changes i'm talking about:


click here for this pic


hope you dont mind me editing one of your pics, if you do i'll take it down.


thanks for bringing us this great model and skin!

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oh and sorry if my last post was kinda hard... if ya do it good a photo face CAN be good but from what the face looks like so fair well..... but your probly gona improve it since its still a WIP.... right? to tell ya the truth the one think i relly dont like on the model are those eyes... i hate those eyes they look werid and the fact it looks like shes smileing, otherwise this is a great model

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Still working hard on the skin and the torso is starting to look decent. It's kinda hard to make a plain white outfit look not plain. I can't slap on too manu shadows and wrinkles because it's a fairly tight outfit but I'm starting to get it right.

Yesterday I ordered a Wacom tablet because a mouse was just never build for drawing. Always wanted to have one and working on this skin was the last push I needed to spend $500 on it :)


Thanks for the feedback, I appreciate it... but 1 request ... Please no more comments on the head :)

- I will keep the photo-skin but will add a bit more contrast like shadow.

- I will change the skin color once the other skin parts like the belly, back, hands and arm are done. Then I'll make sure all skin colors match.

- The shape of the head will be changed once the torso, arms and hands are done. The renders were from a perspective viewpoint which deform things a bit also. It will be less long and I will allight her chin, lips, nose, eyes, forehead, ears and hair with a photo that I find a good representation of Padme/Natalie.

- Rendered pics look very different from in-game screenshots. This difference is in both colors, contrast and camera distortion. The pics I've posted were from a perspective angle which has distortion. If you see the model from the pure front and side angles that I see it it IS different in terms of shape.


Well...gotta get busy but I'll promise that I will post a nice pic this weekend. Very likely on Sunday :)


About the JK2 skins...Lando is a very good 1 but Luke ... well, it's that they said it was Luke but otherwise I would have never guessed it was him.

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