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the gray side


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I'm opposed to the idea you have to choose one exteme when it comes to the force. light and dark, and nothing in between? that sounds rather christian to me, which is a bad thing (says disolusioned catholic).


There has to be a way to find the middle ground with the force, the powers without the constrictive morality of the light or the selfishness of the total dark.

basically the ability to kick ass with extreme prejudice but still be nice to the innocent and noble.

perhaps im just thinking of some kind of rogue jedi, not attached to any doctrin.


to sum it up, gray jedi: will this be supported in the game? :wedge:


PS: nobody go on about the dark path and whatnot, some people are strong enough to go thier own way.

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Well considering the whole of star wars is very christian when you get to it's roots, it's supposed to be without a middle ground. sorry if you're a disillusioned catholic, I personnaly despise catholocism, but it's still very biblical. Kyle Katarn is kinda like that in JK2, but for the most part there isn't much of a middle ground. It would be extremely hard to use dark power and not fall....remember, you can't use pure evil for pure good. two wrongs don't make a right and all that jazz.

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I think it's fairly clear from the movies that there's a good side(does anyone ever say Light side in the movies??:confused:) and a Dark side. Light jedi can give into the wrong things and become power hungry etc then become a Dark jedi. Thats it, there's no middle ground.


We'll see this in Ep3 I believe. Anakin will let his arrogance and possessiveness get the better of him and the temptation to wield power to get what he wants will overcome him. Dark side is quicker, easier, more seductive. Not more powerful though.


It's an interesting question, this middle ground thing. But the definative answer is no.

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Gotta agree, besides what did they say, the path of the jedi will not be easy.


I wonder if there will be a penalty for light or dark if they start "going grey" so to speak. That is if they start intermingling things.


Of course it'd also make sense that a jedi could do this but the most powerful masters of the force will be pure good or dark.







Rich Bastard



"Hey kid, wanna buy a blaster?"

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You all seem rather polerized on the subject.

go look at the website for the church of satan or something. Not advocating satanism but it challenges the whole good and evil paradigm.

It's all perception.

As for the game, the more choice the better. I will choose my own path and it will be as deviant as possible.

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if you start dabbling in the dark side, you either get consumed by it, or you are able to break free. there is no gray side, consider the transition from jedi to dark side "gray" if you want, but it's a temporary state.

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beware the dark side...


cliched but true... while we have witnessed several of the younger Jedi in the films have a moment of weakness (Obi looked angry at the end of TPM, luke used grip and then later raged in ROTJ) no experienced Jedi in the films has resorted to the dark side because no-one can use it and not be at first tainted and then ultimately consumed by it. (Hopefully clearer evidence will appear in episode 3).


By all means try and tread the middle road but when you finally give into temptation, don't say you weren't warned....

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Originally posted by RoyalGuard

beware the dark side...


cliched but true... while we have witnessed several of the younger Jedi in the films have a moment of weakness (Obi looked angry at the end of TPM, luke used grip and then later raged in ROTJ) no experienced Jedi in the films has resorted to the dark side because no-one can use it and not be at first tainted and then ultimately consumed by it. (Hopefully clearer evidence will appear in episode 3).


By all means try and tread the middle road but when you finally give into temptation, don't say you weren't warned....


I dont know....even the great Yoda looked a littled grumpy and P%ssed toward the end of AOTC. In fact, he looked really p%ssed. lol

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Originally posted by RoyalGuard

beware the dark side...


cliched but true... while we have witnessed several of the younger Jedi in the films have a moment of weakness (Obi looked angry at the end of TPM, luke used grip and then later raged in ROTJ) no experienced Jedi in the films has resorted to the dark side because no-one can use it and not be at first tainted and then ultimately consumed by it. (Hopefully clearer evidence will appear in episode 3).


By all means try and tread the middle road but when you finally give into temptation, don't say you weren't warned....


pfff... Luke becomes a dark jedi and returns, his father too (and then he died :p) I think it's possible to stray and return... but it takes alot of will... i guess they will translate that in the game by making u loose experience or something when u return to the light side or something

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When did Luke become a dark jedi?


If you're about to say 'in the comics, Uncle Gavor!' then I beg to differ. The comics aren't accepted Star Wars resource material. Well, not to me. I'm a purist. :)


Luke was alwas good and only at the end of ROTJ did he flirt with anger and revenge. He proved stronger than his father and that was that. He remained good.

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The comics are checked by lucas(-arts/ film/ -whatever) to see if they do follow continuity for the larger part. Comics are a large part of the EU of STAR WARS, and they provide big amounts of info. Did you know the the people from SWG look to the comics for info about planets. creatures, and all that? Star wars would not be the same without the EU.


So the comics are accepted star wars recource material :)


Well...not to you I guess...


Because you are a purist :D

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SW Canon - A little FYI of what seems to be the general consensus on canon:


The films: Primary canon, set in stone, what you see on screen is irrefutable.


The books: EU canon, not accepted by some SW fans as canon, but to everyone else as irrefutable as the films except where they are contradicted by the films (i.e. Ep2 origin of the Death Star)


The Graphic Novels: EU canon, except where contradicted by the films/books


Games (including Computer, Role Playing and Collectible Card games) EU canon, except where contradicted by films/books/graphic novels...



pfff... Luke becomes a dark jedi and returns


only because Leia managed to do for him what he did for Vader, which makes me think that maybe it's only a Skywalker thing to be dark and still have some good in you...


but then there are other examples of redeemed Jedi in SW history, but they all either turned from the force completely or became 'lighter than light' to avoid the temptation in the future, so again there is no middle road once you past a certain point - you can't sit on the fence for ever :)

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(i.e. Ep2 origin of the Death Star)

That isn't exactly a BIG contradiction. It doesn't even have to be a contradiction - in the way we think of contradictions concerning SW - at all. ;)


It just proves that the Empire (or the Emperor) has been lying about who developed the Death Star (BIIIG shocker there lol :p ). Bevel Lemelisk can still be 'real' in SW. :)

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Expanded Universe, the name for the books, comics, and such.


The only people considered pretty much absolute canon are Timothy Zahn, Michael Stackpole and R.A. Salvatore, with the rest being about on par with the comics.

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It doesn't even have to be a contradiction - in the way we think of contradictions concerning SW - at all.


True, it doesn't have to be a contradiction at all (the original plans could be damaged or destroyed and Lemelisk could finish them), but it probably will be, after all Lucas isn't worried about EU tie-ins. After all Palpatine wouldn't execute Lemelisk twice for something he didn't do! The man was evil, not capricious or frivolous.

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Looks like i missed the debate i started.


According to GL himself, Boba Fett died when he fell into the sarlaac. End of story.


He's also said the EU stuff is interesting but that it's considered to be in a parallel universe, not the one he works from. Some people may consider EU material to be canon, but it's not. None of it is. No books, no comics, no graphic thingys and no games. It's been said lots of times, the only things considered canon are the movies.


End of story. I can find links to him saying this if thats what you want.


I'm not saying you can't imagine it's what happens, just that you can't use references from books/comics etc to answer real SW questions.

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