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For all you americans out there who used to read the newspaper comics but then grew up and your parents wouldn't pay for it and you were to lazy to go and get a job so you accepted your existance now you can subscribe to the daily comics through e-mail! I lamented when my newspaper cancelled Foxtrot, but now I read it every day. Just follow the links below for sites where you too can subscribe to comics by mail.






Its so cool it's almost quail-crackin'. Believe me.

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I looked all over the web. But I believe Larson doesn't want t published over the web. I suggest trying to e-mail him telling him to do so. It's what I did. Or you could do what I didn't ad search for more than 5 minutes.

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I've been subscribed to Calvin and Hobbes & Garfield for a long time with ucomics. Altough I know most C&H's already (I only need the last one), Garfield rules.


Since the great comic of last sunday I subscribed to Foxtrot too.


Now if I can only find 'De Rechter', 'Biebel' en 'Dirk-jan' (dutch comics) then I'm a real happy man.

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Heehee, I hadn't read that one yet. :D Thanks YD. You really should read more Foxtrot, they're hilarious. Especially back in the time-frame of Episode I. Still can't find a site for The Far Side, but you can subscribe to it's half-rate clone Strange Brew.

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Calvin and Hobbes is the best ever, without a doubt. Garfield is probably right behind that, though in the last few years its gotten pretty repetitive and cynical. My two favs of today are "Heart of the City," which is a lot like Calvin and Hobbes, and one called "Jumpstart", a strip about a young black family that's raising a family. Its really inventive and interesting. Then probably "Baby Blues".

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