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just played online....


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first of all, i'm not that big of a star wars fan. i liked the 1st 3 movies and "attack of the clones" was great, but i dont go too much into the star wars universe. the only merchandise i have that has anything to do with the series is "jedi knights 2: jedi outcast".


that said, after about an hour of playing this game online i gotta say that this is THE BEST fps type free for all/ team ffa experience out there! light saber dueling along with the force powers, super jumping, and rolling out of harms way creates a fast paced and exciting battle between players. add to that the interesting energy based weapons from the movies with authentic sound effects and you get this amazing game.


alright so here's my first intense light saber duel. we were playing on this level that was just about 4 levels of walkways with no walls, and a bunch of people were using the push and pull force powers to make people fall to their deaths. then i saw someone comming after me. first i tried force pushing the guy off the ledge but it didnt work. either i was too far, i missed, or the guy blocked the force push if its possible. i ran into a nearby corner, surrounded by 3 walls.


so the battle begin. all you could hear was the clashing of two powerful energy weapons and the sound of the mouse frantically moving around, trying to keep the opponent in front of me and block his attacks. we both tried using the force to push the other guy off the ledge but neither of us would stand still or stay on the wrong side of the platform for long.


after about 10 minutes i was down to 24 units of health, but still trying my best to win. and as if i wasnt in enough trouble, one of his teammates comes along and starts shooting at me with one of the really fast automatic guns. so now i was moving around twice as crazy and trying to keep both opponents in sight. i kept facing the guy with the light saber because i thought it was best to block his attacks, which were only getting stronger and more confident now that his buddy joined the fight. whenever i could i'd turn to the side for a micro-second to see where the other guy was and dodge his lasers. i thought i was as good as dead and soon i'll be hearing one of the game's annoying (if you're on the wrong side of it) taunts.


but this newbie got a lucky break. and i admit, this victory was mostly luck but the battle was still fun as hell. even though there were two opponents now i was lucky that they werent trying to work together, or at least it seamed like it. they were just running around attacking me, oblivious to the other person's location and attacks. this kept going on for a while until finally both of them were near the ledge, but i only noticed the guy with the light saber. i took the chance to push him off the ledge and finally did so! i was even more surprised to see i had pushed his teammate off the ledge also!! didnt realize until then the force push didnt go in a straight line, but it had a fairly wide span.


of course the same two guys came back and killed me in under a minute, but that was ok. it was a damn good rush, and i'm looking forward to dueling and/or fighting alongside all of you. mabye i'll even get good enough to join a clan...



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I like you. :D


You sound exactly like I did when I began playing. Heck, I still get that way when telling someone about the game... Just a word of advice: Don't get discouraged. You'll soon find there are a few great disturbances in the force. Namely the backstab move is a little(?) overpowered right now. Don't worry though...there's been enough whining about it that it should be fixed next patch(hopefully).


Also I like that you're finding it fun, even if you aren't beating everyone...that's an important part of this game, so do NOT lose that spirit. Too many around here get grumpy if they aren't !337 enough. Also don't be afraid to ask others for suggestions and such. Lots of people have a phobia of newbies, but there are just as many who are willing to help out if asked nicely.


All in all, welcome to the game. Just watch out for Ewok poop. That stuff STINKS.

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Welcome, I am glad u have had the chance to experience this incredibly fun game like the rest of us. Nuthing beats the rush of your first saber fight online. Try dueling to as it is a load of fun as well. Also just as a side note, push/pull's effectiveness depends on the range of your target, his or her level of push/pull, your level of push/pull, and their position like for example someone is easier to push/pull if they are attacking rather than standing still. Anyways welcome and maybe one day I will have the oppurtunity to fight u.

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Glad your enjoying the game thus far! Only sucky thing is, sooner or later we all turn to the dark side of this forum and rant about this game :( If you don't someone will flame you into doing it!!!! LOL


Anyway seriously though... I had a very similar first experience in MP. If you run into trouble with spammers or anything be sure to read some of the fairly recent posts stating we know about all of them... I hope you keep on enjoying this game, i know that once I gave up on playing on certain servers, I enjoyed this game a LOT more than even the first day. Wait till you get a little skill under your belt, and I swear to god you might even find yourself going: WOW am I REALLLLLLLLLYYYYY glad I bought this game!!!


Somehow killing someone in this game is so much more fulfilling than in most other games, especialy when you do it with skill.


So welcome to the game, i hope it doesn't get ruined for you by some of the others that float around :rolleyes:

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Originally posted by Luc Solar


shmacdonald's, we all like you.


We hope you and your likes will spread thy semen efficiently and fill the world with offsprings of the new generation of honourable Jedis. ;)




*walks slowly, backing out of the door*



Divine Spirit

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well thanks for the warm welcome guys, i'll try my best to spread that semen...


i'm glad the majority of you use skill in this game and not cheats. i've already ran into someone who i'm 99% sure was cheating, but i'll ask about that in the MP forum (hope thats the right place). think of the lightsaber shield trick, but with the saber spinning as close to you as possible, and with the person can stand still or move around, and even crouch and move.

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shmac, im the same way.. im not that big of a star wars fan but i did grow up with the old ones.. between jk2 and atoc im how hyped then i ever have been though. only reason i got jk2 is for the light saber combat, i dont care for quake type games and team ffa with saber only is amazing.

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