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Editing the color of the blur line when making a new saber?


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I have created a .pk3 called episode2sabers which replaces all the sabers in the sp game to either red, blue, green, or purple. It also makes all the friendly npc jedi have a 2/5 of having ad blue, a 2/5 chance of having a green, and a 1/5 chance of having a purple saber as to make it look more like the film. I also made the purple a deeper royal purple to replace the pinkish purple of the default saber. IT looks great, except....


The problem is on the orange and yellow xxx_glow2.jpgs I edited to make them green and blue respectively, and the purple deeper, is that though the saber looks great when standing still, the blur still retains the old colors. The dark purple leaves a pinkish trail when swung, the orange and yellow made into green and blue streak orange and yellow.


I cannot figure out how to change the color of the blur short of making the blur_line.jpg the color I want, but even then I can only have one color and I will get clashing blades/trails.


here is a pic:



Any help, or do I need an SDK?



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You CAN change the color, but if you do, it will change the color for every saber to that color. The only other thing you can do is change the design of the blur trail. It is impossible currently to change a single blur color of a single saber color.

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Ok... it can be doenloaded here :




This version retains all 7 saber colors, though the blades are modified. The dark purple is in it, and you will be able to see the color discrepancy when you swing.


I forget if this version still has the dynamic lights... I think I nixed them... to gawdy. Yeah, I am pretty sure this one doesn't have the dynamic weapon fire lights.


Let me know.


And I had no idea that there was an SDK pending; I haven't followed the JK2 modding community too closely until about the past 24 hrs.


And yeah, I already experimented with the blur_line color and found that to be the case. Annoying. I also looked around for the color_glow2.tga's that are referenced in the saber.shader file, and even created some, but it was no use.


I must wait for that stinking SDK.





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