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CloneTrooper model thoughts?


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Just an update so that you guys know that this model isnt dead...

I've been setting up the hiarchy and the bone skin, plus the texture maps and some more geometry... Saw EP II today (my 4th time) and i had a few images in my head, that werent on the model before... *yes the trooper does have a detpack) but his hip armor is slighty different and the fin sticks out with a point in the back, and doesnt round off like mine did... Plus... i added the light at the tip like someone recommended, i never noticed it before, and i will create a shader to make it blink :) And last I fixed the back controll pannel, it isnt inverted.. it is flat with indentations of the shapes in the second phase screenshots i posted...



I am planning on buying the 12" figurine to help me see how the trooper really looks, so i will probably be making drastic and more realistic changes in the next few days... I will keep you guys posted... :)

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Originally posted by Niblem

Just an update so that you guys know that this model isnt dead...

I've been setting up the hiarchy and the bone skin, plus the texture maps and some more geometry... Saw EP II today (my 4th time) and i had a few images in my head, that werent on the model before... *yes the trooper does have a detpack) but his hip armor is slighty different and the fin sticks out with a point in the back, and doesnt round off like mine did... Plus... i added the light at the tip like someone recommended, i never noticed it before, and i will create a shader to make it blink :) And last I fixed the back controll pannel, it isnt inverted.. it is flat with indentations of the shapes in the second phase screenshots i posted...



I am planning on buying the 12" figurine to help me see how the trooper really looks, so i will probably be making drastic and more realistic changes in the next few days... I will keep you guys posted... :)



I was wondering if you forgot about the red light on the fin, glad you didn't! ;)







Btw, when you do get a 12" Ultimate action figure, tell me where you get it; I'm looking for the Jango Fett one...

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Nevermind, I remembered reading where to find the 12" action figures...


anyways, here are some ref pics of the 12" Clone Trooper. (Must say, its sh!t compared to the Ultimate Jango Fett one)





http://www.rebelscum.com/photo.asp?image=swsaga/12clone_back.jpg (I can't belive it's missing the red light on the fin)




Hope these help you out! :)




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Hmmm...I would stick to using the other pictures--the 12" figure looks off to me. This model is definitely better than all those skins out there. Just make sure you get the angles on the helmet right--from the screenies, it looks too rounded. And make sure you get the colors the same--in that last screenshot, the helmet looked like more of an off-white.

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Ok now these are post completed shots... After many changes and skinning etc.. I think its almost about ready to be released... only have to create the shader now, and export + a few hirachy changes.. oh and finish the CTF skins...


Is the texture really that bad color wise? I kinda liked the off white, made it look like it was dirty, oh well its an easy fix, just have to adjust the hues.. No biggy... Let me know what you think now... so I can put in any final changes.. :)





Godly :p

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WOW! this model is great.


my only criticism has to do with the helmet compared to the right-side image posted by [Dom_Pmd] ... it seems like in your model the "jaw" part of the helmet sticks out a little farther. on the toy it seems to be pretty straight all the way down. but that's my two cents.


any thoughts on taunts? what are your plans for team colors?


keep up the great work!

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The only thing I see wrong is the triangular indents in thew side of the helmet, and there is suppose to be, and the rim kinda part under it. the bottom of the helmet under the indent is supose to go all the way around the back. The part going up the middle of the side of the helmey comes out of it.


Here I did this little wacky thing in photoshop. It might help you see the helmet in more of a mesh sort of way.

http://www.x2studios.net/imagestore/SuperSVegetto/12clone_headcu copy.jpg

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Originally posted by Niblem

Ok now these are post completed shots... After many changes and skinning etc.. I think its almost about ready to be released... only have to create the shader now, and export + a few hirachy changes.. oh and finish the CTF skins...


Is the texture really that bad color wise? I kinda liked the off white, made it look like it was dirty, oh well its an easy fix, just have to adjust the hues.. No biggy... Let me know what you think now... so I can put in any final changes.. :)





Godly :p


WOW ! This model ROCKS !!!:clone: :clone:

I hope it`s not too long B4 it`s released :clone: :clone:

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Argh... Pissing me off, ok other modelers please look here and let me know what is wrong.. Quake 3 models were so much easier... Whats wrong with my hiarchy..? The right half seems to be linked correctly.. But the left is all screwed up... Linked all the meshes and tags in the right order according to Spacemonkey's tut. But this is what mine looks like, i've redone the hiarchy and skins 4 times... Let me know what i can do...



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It's simply... BEAUTIFUL... like, a nice mountain morning with a crisp sunrise.. ah yes...... okay, maybe that was too corny, but anyway, that model is perfect man, i mean it, its identical to those pictures, nice work, really. :clone:

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now i want this thread dont die...i simply want this kickass model :] commander skin would do miracles to :] :clone: :Wheres our Commander? :clone: Hmmm I dont know.. :clone: : Maybe because you cant see the commander because he doesnt have hes commander suit done yeat...hes waiting for hes order.

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