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CloneTrooper model thoughts?


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Um...its a good model so far, but I wouldn't say its perfect yet. I'd recommend you take your time with this model and pay no attention to the "gimme gimme, its perfect!" types. Right now there are some major problems with the shape of the helmet, and I think it might be because you're using action figures/toys as a reference(which are generally horribly inaccurate). The chin in front should point out into a triangle and tuck underneath the chin at a sharp angle(the profile of the bottom of the helmet should run parallel to the ground, yours has far too much curve) , and the cheek indents and the bars over the ear area should be sharper and more box-like. There are also some issues with the armor (the thighpads should have sharp ridges down running along the front, the kneepads should be pointed on top, smaller detpack on the belt and fewer and flatter pouches, the abdominal area in the front is a bit off). This model is coming along very nicely, and it's starting to look more and more like a clonetrooper, but its still definitely a WIP. Here are some reference pics in case you're in need:







Nice job :D

BTW, I've started skinning a bit(I have a lot of experience drawing in photoshop though), and I'd like to give this model a shot when its ready. Just give a post if you might be interested.

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Originally posted by Epimetheus

Haven't seen anything for a while.. anything happening?


But the taunts might be hard... the only time they talk is at the cloning facility and to Padme near the end...


The taunts shouldn't be a big problem... They could laugh or something like that...

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Well, I'm sure there are decent voice actors around here that could record a taunt if necessary. In that one pic from the "If the movies played like JK2" thread the clones were spamming "Stop in the name of the Republic!" I don't remember that from the movie and I don't know if that's the taunt for a current clonetrooper model, but I think that would be a pretty cool taunt.

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Laughing would be pretty out of character for the Clonetroopers. I imagine they're all-business, all the time. Really, you could just use the Stormtrooper's sounds. If you wanted to do custom recording, make sure you slip in a slight Australian accent. Maybe if I get bored I'll try a recording :)



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Originally posted by JediGhost[sITH]

Here's my thought:


Go to http://sinnet.jediknightii.net


Download SinNet's CloneTrooper.


Everyone stop making Clone Troopers, SinNet made their's before the movie was out and before the editing tools were even released and its still the best.




Dude, you're nuts. SinNet's clone trooper skin is great, but it's a SKIN. The CloneTrooper being made that this thread is about is a MODEL. The Clone Trooper has it's own specific look, and thus can't be done as properly as it should be without a MODEL. Try not to come crap on our shoes again.



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Originally posted by JediGhost[sITH]

Here's my thought:


Go to http://sinnet.jediknightii.net


Download SinNet's CloneTrooper.


Everyone stop making Clone Troopers, SinNet made their's before the movie was out and before the editing tools were even released and its still the best.




Are thou mad? The sinnet clonetrooper is a reskinned shadowtrooper. This is a MODELl, and it looks lightyears more like a clonetrooper than sinnet. And has far has I know, there aren't that many people making clonetrooper models... This is the only one has far has I know!

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Originally posted by JediGhost[sITH]

Here's my thought:


Go to http://sinnet.jediknightii.net


Download SinNet's CloneTrooper.


Everyone stop making Clone Troopers, SinNet made their's before the movie was out and before the editing tools were even released and its still the best.




Ewwwww. That thing looks so stupid. Yeah, all of the clonetroopers have those tiny little helmets and big flowers on their chests...

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