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StarWars = ReligioN


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Ive seen episode 2 a couple of times and it's great! :)

Me wubs Yoda.

Went downtown today and I saw this Qui Gon toy in a store. I bought it.

Im playing Jk2 and Galactic Battlegrounds and cant wait for SW:G. I wrote an essay about Star Wars. Hell I even dream about it.


Am I insane?


If you think about it, the movies are actually crap, its for kids. Like Xena or something, still we love it. WHY?





This will probably be moved somewhere where the sun dont shine ;) but I needed to cry out. lol. :bdroid2:

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Originally posted by Jahs

Ive seen episode 2 a couple of times and it's great! :)

Me wubs Yoda.

Went downtown today and I saw this Qui Gon toy in a store. I bought it.

Im playing Jk2 and Galactic Battlegrounds and cant wait for SW:G. I wrote an essay about Star Wars. Hell I even dream about it.


Am I insane?


If you think about it, the movies are actually crap, its for kids. Like Xena or something, still we love it. WHY?





This will probably be moved somewhere where the sun dont shine ;) but I needed to cry out. lol. :bdroid2:


Its not unlike a kid in a toy/sweet shop. If its packaged well, it will not matter to the kid how good the product is.

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I'd don't think it's insanity. if that were so, you would consider half of the world insane.


I think it's because it's such a world-wide phenomanon, and the fact that it's stuck around for 30 odd years and twice as popular contributes to this.


If the films are actually crap, because Star Wars is the biggest film franchise in the world, no-one would be ready to just dismiss it after decades of continuing success.


We all love Star Wars, that's why we're here on this forum now. We've all seen the film, bought the figures, EVEN dreamt about it. We all give our own personal opinions, but in the end we love it because it is Star Wars. And that's about it.

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