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curious why......


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im curious why people are complaining about the new patch?!?! i was hesitant to install it because of all of the bad things i heard but then i decided to go ahead and give it a try and i think its great, the saber battles are better, it seems to run smoother and its a bit more balanced, of couarse u get people who go around "ass fighting" etc...but thats just a fighting style they use....its actually very easy to get around it, so basically i want to know whats everyones problem?!?!

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Because people by nature are resistant to change. I've noticed alot less whining about the patch itself over time (backstabbing is one thing.. im talking about the patch itself). Ppl just gotta get used to stuff I guess. I love the patch personally. Saber fights = prettay!

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Originally posted by NerfYoda

Because people by nature are resistant to change. I've noticed alot less whining about the patch itself over time (backstabbing is one thing.. im talking about the patch itself). Ppl just gotta get used to stuff I guess. I love the patch personally. Saber fights = prettay!


hmm what he said ;)



as to the back stab bit..... all that i know is that chang has said that the curent setup for the BS's is a goof... was missed in testing. it was intended(as far as i know) to be just like it is now, 'cept for being able to spin during the move. that would fix the problem would'nt it?


also said (again as far as i know, might be wrong) that if they/he/raven arn't able to make a 1.4 or 1.31 patch, for whatever reason, that he will work on a fix in his own time.


all is good:D

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Originally posted by Vestril

One of the more legitimate complaints is how pings have shot up--all of this extra Saber Collision has made it kind of ugly. Even duels are affect. I went from averaging 50 ping to averaging 100 :(


That's because you keep downloading porn...... How many times I gotta tell ya, porn first then video game.:rolleyess

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