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Xbox Version

The Piper

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OK so I own a PC and an XBOX


Now I am also prepared to buy JK II AGAIN

but I wanna know..now..what the added bonuses I AM SURE they will add ;).....


there isnt much on the site at the moment.


Galaxies and KOTOR are also some amazing Star Wars titles that i am looking forward to...... do you.....yes you...think adding JK 2 xbox to the already pricey star wars bundle that I WILL HAVE TO BUY is worth it?


hmmmmm........ a dilemma...that im sure someone else must face


Pip out.

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Hmmm. I feel that whatever little add-ons or tweaks they add, won't even come close to measuring up to the community add-ons and support that the PC version has had.


I also own an X-Box and a PC, but I use my xbox for social games..Madden for instance. I wouldnt gather friends around my computers to play Madden.


But for the most part, the PC is my first baby...X-Box gets the leftovers of my attention.




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My assumption is that LEC sees a great opportunity to leverage a great success into more money and market penetration. For example - Halo on PC will sell to people who have never played it on XBox because of reputation.


It also allows people without the high PC hardware to play the game.



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I'm thinking XBox players will only be able to play on servers for XBox players. If a PC server has a bazillion custom skins & is using a "Joe's Imperial Swap Meet" type of map the XBox users wouldn't have a way to get em.


Theres EQ in development for the PS2, but they won't be able to talk to PC players in the game since EQ for the PS2 is a "simplified" version & not compatile. I figure JO for the XBox will be much like this.

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Originally posted by NerfYoda

I'm thinking XBox players will only be able to play on servers for XBox players. If a PC server has a bazillion custom skins & is using a "Joe's Imperial Swap Meet" type of map the XBox users wouldn't have a way to get em.


Theres EQ in development for the PS2, but they won't be able to talk to PC players in the game since EQ for the PS2 is a "simplified" version & not compatile. I figure JO for the XBox will be much like this.


You're forgetting that the X-Box has a built in hard drive. It's very possible.


Though PC gamers would own the X-Box ones :)

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at least the XBOX version will keep you honest... no scripts or binds, only skills...


I also thing sabre fighting could be better, closer and more intense, since traditional KB+MOUSE controls makes it to easy to run around a lot.

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Originally posted by Cobalt60


..and thats a BAD thing? :rolleyes:


umm... yeah. Every great fighting game ever has a gameplay mechanic which allows you to "face-up" to your enemy. With KB+MOUSE control style of a FPS, saber fights are more like wild jousts than actual engaged fencing or kendo.


Instead of being about good timing and anticipation of your opponents STRIKES, this game is about good timing and anticipation of your enemies MOVEMENTS and LOCATION, which, is not that much like any real sword combat... which strike they choose and which one you choose is definetly secondary.


Plus, you spend half the fight swinging the camera around trying to find where the other guy went in his wild guess. (or skilled anticipation, depending on your ego)


If this gamer had a tracking toggle, where two combatants could not lose track of eachother unless they wanted to, it would be a totally different kind of game... and IMO much better.


I am guessing that the XBOX version will not only be better balanced, and be free from script-binding retards, it will also offer a mechanism to help players keep track of eachother better... which will result in a playing style which is more true to the films and real swordfighting in general.

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You forget that the vast majority of "Fighting Games" were built and optimized NOT for gamepads on consoles, but for ARCADES using big buttons and joysticks. Ever play a game like Marvel Vs. Capcom 2 on a Dreamcast using the regular controllers?


Let's just say your hands will look like raw hamburger after a short period of time when your friends are over! That's why joysticks for PC's and consoles are a must for those types of games.


FPS games are either made for play with a lightgun or a keyboard+mouse. If the console has that, then the rest is simply a matter of utilizing broadband (and making it compatible) and all that.


But an Xbox or Gamecube version of JK2 could NEVER measure up to the PC version, simply due to the editing community, and possibility of upgrades (for faster gameplay and better graphics, etc). But, if Raven/LEC wants to pursue those ports, best of luck to 'em! (personally I'd rather see them work on a PC expansion though)

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I have an Xbox and Gamecube, but I don't really think JK2 will be near as good on those consoles. The controllers for xbox and gamecube are too different and the game will probably end up like quake 3 and ut did when the landed on console. The one thing that will be good will be playing against friends at home not everyone I know has a comp or connection that can support the fun of jk2. Hehe setting up a lan will be good too. I got 3 Xboxes and tvs setup the other night and had some fun 8 player halo.

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