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Need Help With special moves


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(i dont know what this move is called)


i have been playing jedi kight 2 for quite a while now i have been playing online the last couple of days and i have been killed loads of times because a peson uses force pull to pull me in and he srings around about 2 times with his lighsaber and everytime i die


can anyone tell me how to do or perform this move because it will help me with multiplayer alot



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He force pulls you then turns around while your in the air, and then backstabs you BACK+attack.


Players who like a fight and win with skill won't pull players into a BS , there is no skill or honor in that.


A backstab is fine, since they can be dodged, being pulled threw the air to your death without a damn thing you can do about it, is well cheap.


I always play No Force Duels because I like to pit pure saber skill vs saber skill.

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> being pulled threw the air to your

> death without a damn thing you can do

> about it


Yeah, because flipping on absorb to avoid getting pulled is such an UBER SECRET TRICK that no one knows about it.


If you don't like force duels, fine, do what you want. But don't label everyone else cheap because you aren't smart enough to counter tactics.

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That means you have to be a light jedi for 1.


and 2 that youhave to have it on first since pull/push is instant effect. hitting absorb when your doing a superman threw the air won't help you so stfu ;)



anywayss, i have no wish to argue with people, and yes everything has a counter.. if you think ahead of time, and well get lucky..

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Pull??? I thought the trick always done with push....I dun know pull can cause opponent to fall.


But anyway this is what pple do...


They push u down with Force push in close distance. When u r down they quickly do a back slash(or sweep) not back stab. The reason y not BS is the lash can hit enemy on the ground. It is an instant kill if u dun have shield or little life with shield.


How u execute....


just let the enemy be behind u. In yellow Stance, press att and back key....its a very powerful att. I ever done it in Heavy also....


Hope it helps

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> That means you have to be a light jedi for 1.


Woa, you mean people still play dark in 1.03?!


> and 2 that youhave to have it on first

> since pull/push is instant effect.


Absorb takes very little power. If you turn it on as you make an approach and they attempt to pull you to the ground, you will have almost NO net loss of force power.


> hitting absorb when your doing a

> superman threw the air won't help

> you so stfu ;)


Then turn it on before you fly through the air, so stfu. ;)


> anywayss, i have no wish to argue

> with people, and yes everything has

> a counter.. if you think ahead of

> time, and well get lucky..


Most people like to call it skill.

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I think you don't quite understand what he's asking. I've had this happen to me alot lately too.


They force pull you into them. Instead of doing the backstab, they're crouched on the ground and do a 720 degree fast spin and it kills you everytime.


I repeat, it's not a backstab..........it's breakdancing with lightsabers.

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damn those light jedi and their useless counter moves.


Absorb will stop the pull, and Protect (yes you can activate protect while lying on the ground) will prevent the damage, thus making the pull/sweep combo completely unstoppable killer move that cannot be prevented by any means.

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Xzzy posted:


If you don't like force duels, fine, do what you want. But don't label everyone else cheap because you aren't smart enough to counter tactics.


This is what the "noobs" are getting in game too...


Some fun for us "noobs" huh... Not at all!


~Nomad WR~


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[Absorb takes very little power. If you turn it on as you make an approach and they attempt to pull you to the ground, you will have almost NO net loss of force power.


> hitting absorb when your doing a

> superman threw the air won't help

> you so stfu ;)


Then turn it on before you fly through the air, so stfu. ;)


Absorb cant do dick for you while you are in the air.. once you jump you are push/pull bait.. Ive gotten several obscene comments while pushing/pulling absorbies to their jumping deaths..


so the point is.. you must stay on the ground.. absorb doesnt stop the effect of push/pull either.. You may not move, but it certainly jolts you.. which is why you can sabrethrow and push/pull an absorbie and still hit them..


Absorb is useful.. But it does not grant invulnerability by any means..

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> Absorb is useful.. But it does not grant

> invulnerability by any means..


it's still a hell of a lot better than going off on a tangent on some forum somewhere bitching about how lame such-and-such tactic is and claiming that anyone who uses force powers is a lamer.


Did I say it's a surefire counter? No. But it foils easily 50% of all push/pull attempts which sounds fair to me.


Learn to survive, and accept that you won't always make it. That simple.

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mczombie: I think you don't quite understand what he's asking. I've had this happen to me alot lately too.


They force pull you into them. Instead of doing the backstab, they're crouched on the ground and do a 720 degree fast spin and it kills you everytime.


I repeat, it's not a backstab..........it's breakdancing with lightsabers.


I saw this too. Becasue of the shear speed I swore up and down it was a script. When I asked the guy (I think his player name was Nnased) he just started freaking out calling me stupid. Maybe he's right or maybe we both are.

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Originally posted by Xzzy

> Absorb is useful.. But it does not grant

> invulnerability by any means..


it's still a hell of a lot better than going off on a tangent on some forum somewhere bitching about how lame such-and-such tactic is and claiming that anyone who uses force powers is a lamer.


Did I say it's a surefire counter? No. But it foils easily 50% of all push/pull attempts which sounds fair to me.


Learn to survive, and accept that you won't always make it. That simple.


Im not attacking you.. merely correcting your previous statement..


> hitting absorb when your doing a

> superman threw the air won't help

> you so stfu ;)


Then turn it on before you fly through the air, so stfu. ;)



This doesnt work..

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