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The latest hot loser trick


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My point is, if all someone's going to do is run around MP maps doing this what exactly is the point of playing?


"Gee, look what I can do to run up my score!"


Or are you suggesting we all run around with Force Sight on all the time? Yeah, that's the ticket...

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well comon, if you see someone dissapear then you work it out...

...I use mind trick and sight in unison. For a rubbish player like me push, mind trick and force jump are life savers...


...but this is another example of a player whining about something in the game AGAIN...

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If people are using force powers in a way that bugs me (say...push then saber throw and nothing else) i change servers, or go to no force servers. Or I get over it and try to find a way to beat them. Theres always a way to beat someone using the same thing over and over again...if you have to use sight, then use it and beat em enough that they stop or leave of their own accord. But dont let em get to ya, someone has gotta be semi-mature.




ash nazg

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And let me just clarify something.


My problem isn't the Mind Trick/attack per se, its the Mind Trick/One Hit Kill-Backstab that's the lame part.


The problem, as always, is Backstab/slash. If the attack did half as much damage it wouldn't be so bad, though it still does way too much.

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Aerys this is what half of me thinks:


Yeah but I want to kill them quick and move on to my next victim... I dont want to get to KNOW the idiot... STUDY his moves and learn to adapt to his style... I couldnt care less... KILL THEM QUICK.


*WACK* next...

*WACK* next...

*WACK* next...

*WACK* next...

*WACK* next...

*WACK* next...

*WACK* next...

*WACK* next...


If I want to get close and personal... I'll go to a duel server... or engage in a duel...


Then the other half:


I know what you mean... its sad... sad crap out there... I dont even try anymore... I rather fight people one on one instead of some fool rushing with his @ss to me to get an easy kill...


Then again... DARN I like easy kills...


Dude its human nature... I am a victim of this and a cause of it...

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Why just not put one point in force of sight dude ???!!

Just because u can t handle this combo means it s lame ??? What a shame ....


Legend Of Khaydarin

PS: The true hot loser I see here is you , Aerys ... ( disabling Mind trick ?? WTF???)

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Originally posted by Aerys

Hello, Beatdown.


Yes, this is Aerys.


I've been kicking the people who've been pulling this because its so damned lame.


hi aerys;)


ya, all ya gotta do to counter it is move around a lot...that or put a point into sight...but i agree, it is kinda lame and stupid


PS: The true hot loser I see here is you , Aerys ... ( disabling Mind trick ?? WTF???)

Is there a problem with disabling mind trick, people disable push and stuff, why can't mind trick be disabled too?


Actually i've played Aerys, pretty good player aerys is......;)

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Disabling any kind of force is a proof of your lack of skill ...( Especially for for mind trick )


I don t agree with disabling pull and push , but i can understand why they want it to be ... BUT MIND TRICH HAS NO PURPOSE TO BE DISABLED . In fact any inconpetent player , any noob , ANY DUMB@SS can counter mind trick WITH ONLY ONE POINT in force of sight !!!


By disabling mind trick , you have choosen the easy path , spoil the game for the tricker , and simply proof your lack of skill ....


My opinion ....


Legend of Khaydarin


PS: I must admit that backsweep spammer are a bit hard to handle but not mind trick ... (I m just saying that you re not 100% wrong )

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Nother good way to counter it is to use a homing rocket, u can still get a lock on them when they're using it, thus letting u watch them.


Can also shoot a damn rocket at them, which they never expect.




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you might want to disable jump level 2+ too. God forbid they kick you down then backslash or something.


And since knockdown is a pain in the a**, better get rid of push/pull.


Of course, then grip will have to go, since only lightside will be able to get out of it.


Or maybe disable absorb, and let grip stay?


Well, then drain will have to go.


And lightning.... oh that's right....


Is there a way to change lightsabers into feathers?


I hope I never randomly join your server.



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isn't it that force seeing is used to see players? then why the hell would you not use it to counter the mind trick thing? if you did not spend it on seeing then that is one frag less for you.

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Well, at least he's done something about the way he feels, instead of being on a server and whining.

I'm tired of people telling me to go play quake somewhere else when I'm on a saber/gun server. Isn't that why the guns are THERE??? I can't help it if they *only* want to use saber, they should go to a saber-only server instead of telling me to not use everything available to me to rack up the kills.




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I don't think people stay at the same place for a long time in any type of JO mp game. Even you are snipering in a gun server, you move to avoid being shot by other snipers. In CTF server, mind trick and back slash/stab is a good trick against hiding or guarded flag takers. Therefore flag takers or flag protecters normally use seeing to avoid these ambushs. I sometimes grip mind trickers without using seeing, and also alert teamates about mind trickers. In FFA server, most of us are too busy chasing and running for killing, so mind trick or not is not important. If you think it is lame, then disable it, it is your server.

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My point is very simple.


If you have to use MIND TRICK just to get close enough to someone to use a BROKEN move like Backslash, you're the type of lamer I don't want on my server.




Sure, do it once and its funny.


Do it twice and you're annoying.


Run around spamming it and you're history.


I get to play LITTLE ENOUGH as it is since I have to spend the majority of my time babysitting the newcomers who can't read the rules posted on the login page.


We don't want or need lamers on my server. They can go elsewhere.


Don't like it?


There's plenty of other places you can be a lamer.


Go find them. You're not welcome here.

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