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I make a grand announcement...


To all those players that wish to play in a friendly server I welcome you.


We strive to provide you a different environment. A server where lighting is disabled in order to stop lighting spam kills. A server where excessiveuse of the backstab or backswing or any of its incarnations are prohibbited. The move may be used but excessive use will get you kicked.


We also provide a safe and courteous environment for those jedi who feel like resting, or observing or taking a screenshot or to. If your lightsabers off you are now offcially a spectator. You may not use the force or your lightsaber in an act of hostile agression. If you use the force your lightsaber must be on. And vice versa if you see someone whose lightsaber is off, they are now a non-target. This is a common courtousy issue which is enforced strictly. We like to provide a mature, but fun envrionement. :)


Many respect this move for a server, some dont. If you do not agree, there are many servers out there. If you enjoy this sort of thing, we embrace you.


KnightHawk's Saber Only FFA

Server Version: 1.03a



No attacking someone with they're saber down

Lightning is disabled

No spammers

No Excessive use of the backstab or backswing...

Any and all Ass-fighters are kicked on sight.


Rule violations WILL get you kicked. And in a hurry I might add.


We at the server, enforce this policy very strictly. We let the move be used the way it was designed to be used. The move was created and implemented for use to attack someone who comes from behind. It was not designed so players would run around an eniter map backwards, or duel backwards, or purposefully always put yourself in front of someone to kill them witha backstab, or in general go into combat with the intention to fight backwards in hopes of getting a one stab kill.


The move was not designed to do this, and we do not support how people have manipulated it and have taken advantage of it.


So this is a polite warning. We welcome anyone who supports the rules, If you do not, please do not cause trouble, simply go to another server.


I PRAXEUM, one of Knighthawks few select admins, welcome you...


See you on the battlefield...





P.S. contact me at praxeum@eternalgraphicstudios.com if you have any questions, comments, complaints, or wish to be removed from the ban list... Thank you.

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