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WIP - Anakin Skywalker

The Librarian

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Um..so you don't think raven uses photo realistic skins? Open up the galak face texture jpeg and tell me that it doesn't at least look photo realistic. Either someone took a LOT of time and drew the entire face from scratch, or they did the smart thing and edited a few photos of someone's face to get the same result. I don't care which method they used, it still looks damn real to me.

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Just a quick progress report ..


I've almost done the entire head .. it needs a bit of tweaking and I need to put some eyes in the eyesockets and eyelids etc ...


At the moment I'm trying to fit the head to the model which I made seperately .. still trying to get nice human proportions happening ..


I was wondering if somebody would help me out with the UV Unwrapping ... I could do it myself but it would push back the release date a fair bit as I would need to get the knack .. I would rather get an experienced person to get it right and concentrate on weighting the model correctly .. It might shave a week or so off production time ..


Just a thought ..


- The Librarian

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Hey librarian, i was wondering if you were gonna make blue and red versions of the skin?sorry if this has been covered but im still curious, i saw this painting with like anakin in a cool cape and a cool ass leather outfit and he was holding up yoda over an edge of that volcanic area and you could see like plo koon and a lot of jedi on the ground dead..well i was thinking you could make a pre vader type anakin with cool sith clothes or sumthin.........im stupid and you probably all think im stupid too.....but, just some things i think would be cool...just so if maybe anakin is already the emperors aprentice before he falls into that pit and gets all ****ed up in ep 3...well i know it would take longer but hey...anakin/vader...is star wars...so id be willing to wait even another month for this one..eh okay..bye...feel free to make fun of me.

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I posted some new pictures on my site ...


I've done the rest of the head and put it on top of the model. The braid isn't done yet and it still has yet to be skinned. I coloured some of the model to give some sort of idea as to what it may look like.




see what you think


And ... I'll see what I can do with the braid but it might just end up as a rigid thing...


- The Librarian

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Are you gonna make 2 versions of Anakin, not of a unrobed/robed, but of one with the Jedi theme *black vest, brown long sleeve shirt, brown pants, brown shinguards* and also a sith-like theme *black vest, brown longsleeve shirt, black pants, black shinguards* personally, Id want to play with the Sith-like theme... gives more of a vader look, as opposed to teh jedi look.. kind of like a mix-up of Tyrion. and also, are you going to include a rat tail like what he had in Ep2, and what Obi-wan had in Ep1.. by the way. why did he get rid of the rat-tail, was it because he was no longer a padawn, or just because... well, anyway.. keep up the great work Librarian.. !

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wow, that looks a lot different from the earlier shots. great work. But i must say that the taunt should be:

"Your going to have to pay for all the jedi you've killed today"

I dont know how i overlooked this one, but it's the perfect TAUNT. it is aggressive, arrogant, and best of all, it addresses the person as you, which could be any opponent. I also seriously think it would be cool to have one of the animsound.cfg pain(or other) sounds be "I hate sand!" and another be "one day i will be the most powerful jedi ever".

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