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Got another name to add to your list, Prax. "Little Girl"


Was just there (12:45), played several games with this person and several others. This player did nothing but backstab. Occasional throw, occasional normal slash. But generally, just backstab. Just about every kill made by this person was with the backslash, and they spin like crazy while doing it.


It showed, they generally were at the top of the scoreboard.



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Shock, I appreciate you reporting the violators. But we also must have a few other conformations or a screenshot or something else to base it on, we cant just ban whoever gets a finger pointed at them, im sure you can understand that :) But i have alist, and if im not on the server i usualy have q tracker on and am watching it. But i will keep the name under watch. Thank You


And SDAllstar if you read this, we had several complaints, plus you were a known rule breaker on the server. So the ban stays for now, but like i told you, its a temp ban...


Thanks Everyone, we have 6 or so admins, and we cant be on ALL the time, even though wed all like to be :) So if theres aproblem dont let it ruin your vision of our server, just contact us with problems or keep comming at other times.


The admins are



If you have a problem please look for anyone of these individuals. We will be setting up a website and a board soon.


Thank You all for playing with us...




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Thanks all of you who have been visiting this post and communicating with us. If you have any recommendatiosn for skins or maps that youd like to see on the server, please dont hesitate to suggest some possibilities and we will look into them.





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The Obi-Wan and Anakin Ep. II skins are pretty cool, and there's a Padme skin out there. There's also a Count Dooku skin with sound effects (well, a taunt, anyway) that isn't too bad. Oh, and there's a pretty good Han Solo one, but no sound effects. If someone could tell me how to add and edit sounds for skins, I'd try and update it.


There's also the "clonetrooper" skin out there, which only vaguely resembles a clone trooper, but it's still kinda cool.

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I just want to say that the other admins and I are trying are hardest to stop the rule breakers (*cough* 3DAllstar *cough*)


Your feedback is very much appreciated and welcome.


Here is a corrected list of admins:








Feel free to tell us what you think. Any suggestions are welcome.




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Let me tell you guys a little story. I was playing on this (very good) server about 5 minutes ago, when i was kicked, and i think banned. The reason, i assume, i when a backstabber re-entered who we kicked, he said, "You do NOT want to do that again". I said 'hehehe, or what', and some guy called WooHoo, an admin, said "or ill kick all of you". Then, i was kicked. What, and i repeat What, the **** happened there?



EDIT - WooHoo was Caliban re-named.

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Im having a hard time understanding why stormcrow was banned.

Under my experience of being in the server with stormcrow he was nowhere near excessive.. So im a little confused here.


Stormcrow ill look into it...but if an admin honestly thinks you were brekaing the rules, then maybe you should alter your tactics a bit.


havok, sorry for misspelling your name :)


Once agian any suggestions for the server, maps, skins, questions, complaints, are welcome




One of the admins




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Well, I just ran a few hours on your server, and overall I'm pretty impressed. Even though it was pretty laggy compared to most(I never was able to get under 100, and spent a few rounds at over 200...for cable that's pretty bad), it was time well spent. It isn't the end-all gaming experience for JO or anything, but it's definately a step up from what's out there.


Unfortunately when I first tried to get in, the server was full. An hour or so later it had a spot open, so I squeezed in. For most of my stay, there were admins present and the game was relatively in order. However, when the admin left, it didn't take long before people began assfighting like there was no tomorrow. It wasn't too bad, but it was bad enough that I decided to leave before it ruined my impression of the server.


Only a few gripes really, and it really is few.


First and foremost problem I had was lag, but that's probably because I'm on the East coast...I get the feeling the server is on the West. Even so, from what I saw a large number there had fluctuating pings, and it seemed to me that they would all go up together.


Second is the stand of "No *excessive* use of backstab, etc, etc". Reason I say that's a problem is because "excessive" can mean a lot of things. And let's face it; when it's an instant kill move, it doesn't matter how many times they do it to others. It's still cheap to that one person it's performed on. It's like saying "Ok, you can cheat, but only every now and then".


Other than that, the server is pretty fun, and has a place in my favorites list for sure. Not many servers are there these days, since there are assfighters on pretty much any other server. The admin that was there(I think it was Caliban) was very reasonable, and gave warnings before any action was taken. I guess you probably want an example if you're not familiar with the server...


On the Nar Shadda map, we were having some fun battles in the one corner(the one with the little alleyway). It began with two people, then three, and even reached four. Now the fourth was perfectly in line, and at one instance he jumped to a higher level with his saber off. I saw him fly by, and tried to pull him, without seeing that his saber was off. He somewhat politely chewed me out for it, and I apologized. A half minute later, I see him run around to where Caliban was(on a somewhat higher level than me) taunting me(as he seems to do quite often). The aforementioned "fourth" person still had his saber off, and used force grip on Caliban, nearly throwing him into a pit. Caliban warned him that the next time he did that, he'd better have his saber on. Mister four then chewed out Caliban, calling him a cheap such and such. He was kicked within five seconds.


So to make a long post short(too late), this server is DEFINATELY worth checking out if you want a temporary fix for the assfighting problem until Raven decides to fix it. Which, at this point, who knows how long that may be. Great work, guys. Expect to see me often.

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Originally posted by PRAXEUM

.... A server where lighting is disabled in order to stop lighting spam kills.




... If your lightsabers off you are now offcially a spectator. ...



\team spectator

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Well, I've spent the last two days playing quite a bit on this server, and I'm impressed. It has a good mix of skilled players, along with new guys, and many of them are willing to help the new guys. I've personally enjoyed my time duelling with two of the admins (UNNAMEDHAVOC, and Solar).


My biggest beef is the map rotation. Why is the Nar Shadaa(sp) CTF map in rotation, rather then the FFA version. I personally think the FFA one is much better, but thats just IMO.


Also, could a few of the episode 2 skins be added in?

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Yeah, but they were only happening there because of a lack of other locations to duel in. In the regular version, there are plenty of places to duel (glass bridge, centre building, lowest level by the pits, etc...)

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Originally posted by [DR]CaLiBaN

He knows why, and the kick was appropriate.



I'm more than willing to drop this whole ordeal, but i honestly do not know why i was kicked. I remember someone called a vote to kick you, but it was not me, and i was not cupporting it in any way. The remark i made before i was kicked ('hehehe or what') was referring to Star What?'s threat. If you think i said that when you said don't kick me, then you misunderstood.

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Ive played on the server a few times. (not much, I ping kinda high in it) Ive noticed a few things: Admin's inforcing the rules arbitrarily. I know they can't be everywhere at once but they seem to pick and choose who they want to play. Also, when I joined the server the game was already 12 minutes in. (The map was the small sci room) So, wanting to win the round, which btw, I always strive to do, I open up with upercuts, DFA's, yellow finisher, backsweeps and backstabs. I win the round in 6 minutes. 18 total on the server. I got a few warnings for whoring a move (I wasent JUST using one move, mind you) Next map was the Temple I belive and I was doing pretty good. A few duels, few DFAs into groups for a couple of easy kills and then the warnings begin. "Stop whoreing na na na" I was walking around the outside of the map when suddenly I was pulled or pushed by an admin with his saber down. Seeing this as a threat and an obvious attempt at my life I quickly killed him (with a flying upercut =D ) Right after that I was kicked. What ever Nazi servr.

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Originally posted by PRAXEUM


So the point of that post was to show me i have typos...

Thanks for the reminder..




Sorry, meant it as a joke, forgot the ;):D


Also in that post, I made a comment on the sabers-off idea. Are you supposed to totally ignore someone with their saber off, even if they are running around? Couldn't that get annoying, actively trying to ignore someone if they get in the way?

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Sorry you didnt like the server Plow but there are other places to play where you can feel not so constricted in your move use.


Chastan. Yes, if somesones lightsaber is off they are to be not met with hostility (force use, or lightsaber attack) and vice versa if your latersbaer is off you are not to use the force or your lightsaber. YES, SOmetimes people get in the way :) But maps are big. Its not a huge issue :)


We do have several episode 2 skins on the sever, obiwan, anakin, and mace, and jango, count dooku, and padme? Did you check :)?


Stormcrow, dont worry about it...


Thank You All


See You On The Battlefield...




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