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Famous name?


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I read somewhere u couldn't make a name like Luke Skywalker or something alike but can u take the same lastname as a famous character? i for instance would like to have Fett as last name... don't have an idea for my first name yet though...

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ugh why? can you not come up with something original? i hope they put a block on names like fett and skywalker, and all variations of them as well, so that people actually have to use their brains and come up with original names.

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I don't think the focus should necessarily be on attaching yourself to someone else's legend, you may want to adopt some parts of Fett's style for instance, but focus on carving your own legend out in the galaxy, so much so that Fett will eventually look up to you, and n00bs who join the game will be warned against crossing your path....


here begins the legend of <insert name here>!

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1. There is a name filter.


2. We don't know just how extensive the name filter will be, but it sounds like it will be pretty extensive. You can pretty much bet that Fett will be out because 3/4 of the bounty hunters in the game would be named Fett.


3. Darth is a title, not a name.

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Originally posted by Koffin

I thought of going with George Lucas, but then anyone who saw EPII would probably put a bounty on my head.:fett:

you didnt like ep2?? i loved it...


@ mike.. i know it is a title.. but believe me that if the chance comes.. they will use it.. so i think it will be out...


My name in the game is: Corzip Dinn

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  • 2 weeks later...

:monkey4: :monkey4: :monkey4: :monkey4:


I have an idea. On every server a PA should be started whose members hunt down and kill people with bad names, either like crappy RP (last name Skywalker, etc) or 1337 kinda things (UbErw00k1eJeD1d00d.) That would be awesome, have a huge "bad name SWAT team"



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