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Aayla Secura


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Hehe you know if the star wars universe were real she wouldn't e wearing those clothes underneath.....or uh nm




























/me is not a perv (if you want pervs go to the naked Jan thread in the skinning forum)

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Originally posted by striderx2048


maybe droideka should have pointed out the problems with your skin


If he would have made a comment on how I could have fixed the skin, I would have taken it to heart. All he did was go off about my alleged masturbating habits. When I posted early builds of my skin, you will see that spacermonkey and perhaps a few others would tell me maturely how to improve it. That response was in no way mature. It is at the level of a horny 13 year-old kid.

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I have been practicing some 3d modelling and created this:




The skin isnt the greatest, but the model is small.


The saber is based off of the comic book version, which I drew up on my saber pic at http://www.havenofrags.com/quamosity/JediSabers.jpg


What do you think?


Oh, and I also did Jedi Council member Micah Giietts Saber, http://www.havenofrags.com/quamosity/jk2/saber_micah.jpg


Again, the skins are not great, but for those that are interested in skinning it themselves, they could.



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1st - Admiral, I said sorry and deleted my post 5 minutes after having posted it.

2nd - The point of my post WAS(since I removed it) not on how to improve your skill, but on the fact that your skin didn't fit with the others.

3rd - I can't care less if delamar quotes my past post and leaves it there for everyone to see(I am sorry about how I said it, not on what I said). Truth is he wanted you to see it(I wonder for what reason???? I call it hypocritism).


I may be have been a jerk, but I said what I think, I am sorry for how I said it and still am sorry for how I said it.

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Originally posted by AgentSmith

As I said before, but I'll say it again now that I had the chance to download and 'play' with the finished model/skins. This is a great model/skins spacermonkey, truly impressive! Big thumbs up to spacermonkey, nano, bradfu, hapslash and everyone who worked on it, did such a great job and was kind enough to share it with us. :D:thumbsup:


Now what excuse can I find to not go work, stay home and play JK II JO all day with the Aayla Secura model/skin ... mhhh? :p;)

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Quamosity that Aayla Secura saber model/skin you made looks great! :D (The skin on it looks more than good enough imho.)

It's really cool that you thought about making her lightsaber from the comics. :):thumbsup:


Actually since Aayla Secura was added in Ep II during post production she didn't have her own lightsaber constructed for Ep II, they used some spares and at one point they even used Ki-Adi Mundi's.


(In tradition with the rumour that Mace Windu/Samuel L Jackson's lightsaber had BMF engraved on it -Bad Mother F***er-; shouldn't Aayla Secura/Amy Allen's lightsaber have BBTB engraved on it? BBTB as in Beautiful Blue Twi'lek Babe? ;):p) )

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Originally posted by Droidekas

1st - Admiral, I said sorry and deleted my post 5 minutes after having posted it.

2nd - The point of my post WAS(since I removed it) not on how to improve your skill, but on the fact that your skin didn't fit with the others.

3rd - I can't care less if delamar quotes my past post and leaves it there for everyone to see(I am sorry about how I said it, not on what I said). Truth is he wanted you to see it(I wonder for what reason???? I call it hypocritism).


I may be have been a jerk, but I said what I think, I am sorry for how I said it and still am sorry for how I said it.


Don't worry, All has been forgiven.

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Originally posted by morphius_doh

ho! where did you hear that it has been released and what has been released?


talking about spacermonkey's skin project.


i guess i'm just confused. last week i stumbled upon a female Twi'lek skin for JO on a website that can't remember, one of those all gaming sites with quake, JO,etc files. also, i saw screenshots in the mapping forum of a mapper testing his map while skinned in a Twi'lek (can't find that forum now! of course). so i went on a mad skinhunt. it didn't dawn on me to look in the modeling forum until yesterday, so i'm pretty new to this thread but skimmed just about the whole thing and quickly became interested in spacermonkey's skin project.


my first message was a bit hasty after seeing the broken jediknightii.net links, and since then i've found the link to spacermonkey's beta release. i used this link : http://www.planetquake.com/polycount/cottages/spacemonkey/starwars/aaylaskinpack.zip and it works!


great job on the skin!! i've had aayla fever for the last few days!


i think i'm missing the second map pack (broken link: http://www.planetquake.com/polycount/cottages/spacemonkey/starwars/aaylaskinpack2.zip). could someone tell me where to get it?


thanks for helping...

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Well i just checked jediknightii.net and they still seem to have trouble with their database. The Aayla model can't be found there at the moment. But i got a mirror for you. This is the model as it was first released on jediknightii.net, so this is not with the new skin by Alien_JL. We'll have to wait for that.


The model:




The skinpack:




And another skin that was done by a friend of mine, based on the excellent skin by Nanodagiardino:



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wow thanks WhiteShdw. that really helped me out. however i was still able to view the skin with just the "aaylaskinpack" installed. my computer is crashing when i join servers now, but it looked real good. i can still run my server tho :) btw (off topic) anyone experiencing mad computer crashing during gameplay? ran a checkdisk and didn't help. probably gonna reinstall tomorrow. ahhh! cant even play the skin after all this........ hehe

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Originally posted by morphius_doh

I wonder how much trouble it would be to take Alien_JL's skin and apply it to the model so that it would be the default?


I'm not sure if i read it in this thread, but when Alien_JL's skin will be released it will likely be released in an updated version of Spacemonkey's model(or an updated skinpack, not sure). I don't know if it will be the default skin.

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