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Why do some change their avatar so much ?


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What about mine? I have had only two avatars since the launch of this site.


The first was said to scare some people because it looked like the devil.



The second one is basicly a new version:



he looks like he smashed a nintendo controler after dying 15 times at the same spot.


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Originally posted by TheJackal

What about mine? I have had only two avatars since the launch of this site.


The first was said to scare some people because it looked like the devil.



The second one is basicly a new version:



he looks like he mashed a nintendo controler after dying 15 times at the same spot.


Yeah yours are nice Jackal.....I think of evil, pure evil when i see your avatars. ;)

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Originally posted by Young David


I gave Rommel a Plo Koon a while ago ... So now you look like Rommel (It's hard to look unique ... especially when we switch a lot)

Well his Plo looks different so he is unique. :p

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Yeah, that's the avatar I associate Rommel with.


I've had 3 avatars since I've been here. First Star Wars card Thrawn, followed by the TIE Interceptor that Tie gave me, and finally my almighty clawcraft (which I like better than all my others).


Dare I ask what you guys associated me with? :sweat:




BTW If there was another avatar I used just mention it. :D

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Guest Tie Guy

Hmm, i've had a buch. I started out with the TIE X2 in the death star trench. Then i got the spinning TIE Int, then the defender. Then i changed mine in quick succession, when i started making my own. I had that RA2 one for a while, which i liked. Now i've go this A9, which i pretty cool i think, and i'll have it for a while.


BTW, you've had that avatar for so long, leon, that i'm beginning to think that that is what you actually look like. :D

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Originally posted by Young David

BTW, this was Rommels avatar:





I always associate Rommel with that Snowtrooper he had in the beginning:D


Why do some people change their avatar so much ? I noticed how it's hard to keep track who is easily identifiable as who nowadays. Some change their avatar every other few days !!


The only reason I change mine is because I'm advertising what avatars I have on my site:)

With that in mind go to my site...NOW!!!;)

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Guest Stormtrooper

Cool, I finally found an Avatar to my liking.:) oh, and nice site Fergie...keep them Avatars coming!...I was using a couple of yours but finally found one that i really liked.:trooper:

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