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This game has ruined first person shooters for me...

Homosexual Ewok

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In a good way.:D


Seriously though, I used to play everything from Quake 1, 2, 3 to Unreal Tournament, Half-Life and all of their respective mods.

Ever since this game came out though I have not touched any of those games. Well, yesterday I decided to play a quick game of Quake 3 Urban Terror.


Needless to say it did not go well. After falling to my death several dozen time because I forgot I could not jump from rooftop to rooftop, I though I finally had readjusted.


I didn't.

I think the crowning moment was when a guy came around the corner, pointed an M-4 point blank in my face, and I instinctively responded by trying to Force pull the gun from his hands...


The guy who shot me: "Dude what are you doing, don't just stand there."


Me: "Err..my mouse screwed up..."

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its forums like this one that ruin the game. i dont recall any of the quakes having forums for everyone and their mom to come whine about being killed a certain way. in other previous FPS, people took their asskickings like men. sure they whined a little, but nothing like it is on jk2.


its hard for me to consider jk2 a first person "shooter". since i mainly use the saber and the force to kill my foes.


im stuck between a rock and a hard place. i hate the patch, but i dont want another one. id rather things stay the way they are than to risk more bad changes.

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Originally posted by HappyPrancer

I was playing laser quest (not a video game, you actually run around with a little laser and a sensor vest...not too sure how many people know about laser quest) and I tried to force grip a guy. How embarrassing



Lol, you should of tried a Force-swift-kick-in-the-groin, I bet he would of choked.

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Originally posted by Lime-Light

I though we were done wih the patch-bashing, after everyone realized its actually more fun......


Y'know, I never had much of a problem with the patch. Mainly because I haven't played this game at all during it's pre-patched eras. And I kinda installed the update when I was trying to get the damn thing to run on this comp, so my game has *never* been opened running a pre-patched version. But coming from a guy who started out on the patch, I can't see what all the bitching and moaning is about. This game is fun. Sure, there's a bit of saber-spamming with certain moves (*cough*heavywhores*cough*backstab*cough*DFA*cough*hack*). But I've already found counters for most of the moves being bitched, and I'm confident that in time I'll know a few good counters for ALL the damned spams. I have no problem with the game whatsoever.


But, enough of that. Focusing at the topic at hand, I'll have to agree. I can't play my other shooters anymore either lol. My first instincts are always things like "yeah...just wait till I bitch this guy with my saber! ...oh, damn..."

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