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SWG Episode: Weapons


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It looks like some generic 3D rendering. (from a game?).


Yes, there are programs to make them. For instance, 3DSMAX. Though, to be able to make good faces and such, I'd say you'd need from a couple of months up to a couple of years of practise :) Oh, and they shell out at a couple of thousand bucks if you are planning on buying it at retail :D

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Originally posted by Zendjir


Yep, it's Kyle Katarn, from Jedi Knight II




Ah yes, strong is he with the force :yoda:




Although I believe Jedi Knight II has gone down the drainwith the release of 1.03 :(

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Yeah, only duels are cool on MP now. My lil' brother told me that on FFA you can totally won by walking backwards through big fights while using light stance. That sucks! It's ok to reward ppl that they did a backstab but don't overdo it.


Anyhow, back to topic, what was it again?

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Saber duels are now incredible with the recent uncovering of the Ghoul 2 collision command.


Don't believe me....? Head on over to our forums at jediknightii.net... and you'll see how the collision system functions. It even allows backstab to be blocked, and basically introduces amazing parries.




Click the link to the jkii.net forums for more information.




Ok back on topic... despite the components on the firing system, I hope the battling will be incredible in SWG. When I say battling I mean, all types, swords, sabers, blasters... everything!


In my opinion although the game is much broader then battles, fighting is an immensely large, and integral part of the game. I'am really intrigued about the rarity of the jedi as well. Imagine you have not seen a jedi in your whole time playing the game, and you are travelling in a swoop bike late at night in a desert on naboo, when you see a dark and light jedi dueling!


If the dueling in that sense and in any sense is as good as it is in jediknight 2, this game will be incredible! Actually, even without this, the game will be great, but this will be extremely important in getting the game off the ground and basically above the rest of the online RPG's. (Sorry I don't like that horrid acronymn)




[jediknightii.net staff]

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