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Funny Kills

Count Beefstew

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This morning I was on a duel server, but this server allows guns. So I picked up a flachette. My opponent now has his sabre off, walking toward the center. I turn off saber as well, and move toward the center, 15 feet away from opponent. We stood, he bowed, I bowed. Showing respect. All of a sudden the flachette appears in my hands, a volley of alternate fire was lauched on to my opponent's head, instantly killing him. One spectator said, "CHEAPPP!!!" I disagreed, because the flachette must have cost at least a 1000 credits. My opponent was irate. I don't know why. I even bowed and showed him respect.


Post your funny kills here.

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Actually, that is quite funny. Even if your opponent didn't see it that way.


Of course, it only becomes a problem if you keep doing it - but it's still funny to see it happen once. If you're in the mood.

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The funniest kills are lways going to be against stormtroopers in single player if you ask me. They don't complain as much. Jump up a bit, then force pull. How I never tire of that one...


To bow, just bend over like you've just seen a really interesting flower. Or something.

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"i see that your not skilled enough to kill with the finese, smoothness, and beauty of the light saber. dont worry, u may have skill some day...although it maybe downloaded "skillz""


Don't worry, rat, sir. I play on duel servers, nf, saber only all the time. However, a skilled strategist look for any and every advantage available to overcome the opponent. My opponent assumed that I was going to use my lightsaber. It was his mistake.

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