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WIP: Sidious\Palpatine very early model

Adonai Saboath

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Yes! the head looks beautiful.

I happen to think he's rather handsome :holosid:



One great thing about this guy, is that he likes the sound of his own voice. He loves to talk... while he's devastating his opponent with his Ultimate Power!! :lightning


His taunt is "In time, you will call me... Master!"


But he has a whole slew of spiteful, manipulative, and evil comments that he'll likely throw your way.


The sounds for him are a little different than most other models, but that's because I believe he's a little different than most other characters. I hope you all will enjoy the sounds as much as I have so far.

I really enjoyed listening to all his inciteful lecturings while I was editing the sound files. It made me feel much more... powerful... and hateful...




"Use your aggressive feelings..."

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  • 2 months later...

Just figured I'd hop on over on my way out tonight and show you guys what I've been working on.


Started late last night, sorry for the crummy image, I didn't have time to take another one. Comments/Suggestions always welcome. Again, it's a very early model



(Old Link Removed)


Hope you guys dig it :D

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Figured I'd post another shot, this time it's rendered better, and I changed a few things. The robe will be longer, probly to just over the bottem of the ankle. I'm also planning to mess with the verts once I get the shape down pat


(Link removed due to being extremely outdated)


I have a seprate face in progress that I'm trying to get to look like Sidious from RoTJ, still kinda strange looking so I won't post a shot until I have it skined (the face)


I have a question for all my fellow modelers, I want to make the hood loop and drape over his forehead, but one of the problems I'm running into is that once I get it shaped properly from the side, I can see through his hood from in front. Will I need to model the entire inside of his hood? Or would I UVW map the inside of the robe as well and fix it with a black/dark blue texture?



(*) <-head with hood

(-*-) <-head with hood, - = blank space/see through


Any advice you guys can offer would rock :D


Count Toonces :deathstar

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Very easy task to accomplish Toonces.


Ok do this:


First select the hood. If it's part of another mesh beisdes the hood, detatch the hood.


Now clone the hood so that you now have two hoods that overlap eachother and occupy the very same space.


No select the clone hood... convert ot editable mesh, select the faces sub object and flip normals. That will make the faces in the clone hood face the opposite direction while still occupying the very same space as the original hood... there.. no more see through hood. It would be wise to skinmap the hood beofre you clone so that you dont have to skinmap the clone as well.


now all you need to do is either keep hi mthat way or attach both hoods (it's best if leave them as separate meshes so you can apply a diferent texture to the inside, making it darker.


There... that should help... if you need anymore help just lemme know.



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Originally posted by Epimetheus

Face shouldn't be so visible. And Palpatine is NOT Darth Sidious! We don't know that yet! Why does everyone make that mistake? Am I missing something?


Well, I think everyone assumes that 'cause it's so dang obvious.

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That's a great start! Some good suggestions have been made already :) Open up the lower part of the hood opening, bring down the bottom of the robe, and make sure you put a bit of a hunch to the back :)


And Palpatine IS Sidious, unless we see otherwise in Episode 3. I don't know why people try to say we have to assume they aren't just because they haven't been specifically connected in the movies. It's quite clear based on all we've seen that they ARE the same person. They could pull a fast one on us in Episode 3, but it's doubtful. There's really no reason for them to be seperate people.


Anywho, enough straying from the topic. Keep up the good work on Palpy/Sidious, can't wait to see him done :)



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Originally posted by Epimetheus

What makes it so obvious? Physical appearance? I mean, sure it makes sense. But we still don't know for sure. Its unsubstantiated.


Not just physical appearance, but also the approximately billion hints they've dropped in TPM and AOTC. :D

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If Palpatine and Sidious arn't the same person I'd be shocked beyond beleif. Even starwars.com has a picture of Sidious on the same page as Palpatine's bio is on.


Thanks for your suggestions guys, and thanks for the tip Blood, that really helps alot.


I had the hood tapered in because I didn't know how to do the inside of the hood, it should look 10x better as soon as I straighten it out. I'll post another shot tommorow.


Back to Max :D



CT :deathii:

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Originally posted by Epimetheus

Face shouldn't be so visible. And Palpatine is NOT Darth Sidious! We don't know that yet! Why does everyone make that mistake? Am I missing something?


you might wanna take a second to check out this:



Quote - "Palpatine crafted an elaborate trap that was to be the end of the Rebellion. He also concentrated on converting Luke Skywalker to the dark side of the Force, even at the expense of sacrificing Vader."


Heck, even look at Palpatine's weapon on the left side of that page, Dark-side lightning


as you can clearly see, Palpatine is indeed Darth Sidous

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It always made sense, I guess... it all makes sense now. Still, Sidious and Emperor Palpatine have different hoods... Sidious' face is hidden, while Palpatine's is not so much while he sitting. But then again, his face was mostly covered when coming off of the shuttle in RoTJ...


The point is, I'm a complete, oblivious moron. People should just stop listening to me.


And no, that is not a joke.



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hmmm. i wouldnt be so sure. lucas has contradicted himself before with his strange twists.... c3po built by anakin, Quigon, not yoda instructed obiwan and such. besides, there needs to be a really crazy twist in this one. one that will make all the fans shocked. the emperor seems like an obvious answer. palpatine could have a twin, who knows, dont merge the two just yet, call me crazy, but lucas hasn't laid it all out in plain daylight yet. hey, maybe sidious is anakin's father.... "there was no father"... well if you ask me, shmi is pretty weakminded >>

:sithm: [waves hand]~ "you did not just sleep with dark lord sidious" ....

:elaine: ~"i did not just sleep with dark lord sidious"



hope to see a model update soon! :D

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Ah ha! I've finally been able to log on, man these forums get busy at night. Anyway, I'm posting a few more shots, the model will soon be going into beta testing, I'm getting ready to UV map it soon. I'd like to get as much feedback as I can get about shape and size


here goes :D


(Links removed due to being totally outdated)


The face still isn't 100% ready, but it's looking much better than it did the other day, and once I apply a skin to it (and some more tweaks) I think I should have a pretty convincing Sidious face.


On an other note, I got a question about poly count for all you experenced JK modelers, the model by itself is about 2200, so I beleive I have alot of room to to work with, but if I factor in the skeleton It says I'm pushing 3800. Do I have to factor in all that extra junk? Or do only the parts of the model matter? I hope it's the latter since it will allow me to really get a great flowing look for the robe


Back to JK (need a break from Max) :D



CT :deathii:

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I think the hood should come a little further down. But the hood is really constantly changing. In the prequels, it comes waaay down. When exiting the shuttle in RoTJ, it's about the same. Then when he sits down, it comes up to reveal his face. Whatever.

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I agree with you Epimetheus, I'm going to bring down the hood a tiny bit and see what happens. I tried it yesterday and it looked awkward, but I optimized quite a bit today and now have some additional room to work with. The poly count right now is a little over 2200 so I have some room to add additional detail.


Back to Max :D



CT :deathii:

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Heh, yeah, I made it blue so I could see better how it flowed, I just changed the color to match the rest of the body and it actually looks solid which looks cool, I'll post any further shots like that, it just looks much more uniform


And thanks for the shot Sandwich, I havent seen it before. I'm not sure how much longer I can make the arms and have it work right with the animations, that's what beta testing if for though :D



Back to Max :D



CT :deathii:

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You don't suppose when you finish this awesome Sidious skin that you could maybe work on a robed anakin, where he does have a hood, but it is on his back, not his head. its the one with him wearing that black jedi robe. I've posted many a time for this model, but no one seems to be able to do it, or doesn't have the time to.

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