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WIP: Sidious\Palpatine very early model

Adonai Saboath

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Don't forget to do a Sidious skin with normal coloured skin! =) Also can you post a picture of the model in that model viewer so I can see it a little better, the ingame is a bit dark for me. Other than that I am thrilled to see this working and in game.

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heh, don't worry DarExc, I got the Sidious face coming. (normal colors and all :D ) I'll take a few shots in modview for you, so you can see him closer up. One of the things that the Q3 engine loves to do is wash out the colors quite a bit, so I have to darken the highlights on his face up some.


morphius, I'm definatly going to highlight the robe, it's going to look much diffrent once I get a decent looking skin on him. I just wanted to get him ingame so I could work on a few modeling issues before I started painting my nice patterns. :) I simply applied a very dark blue color layer, and added some stock burlap texture with photoshop. I'll begin painting the pattern (the real patern) sometime today, which will include highlights for the various folds and creases in the robe.


Much more to come :D


CT :lightning


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Nice to see the progress :D

If the ship in the alpha13 pic was an Imperial Shuttle... that would be priceless.

Looks sweet so far. Thanks for the pics.


Any major clipping going on that you can't figure out yet? Or is the robe moving pretty much as you figured?

I'm really eager to see how this robe turns out, because I would love to try making another robed model myself. So details about what problems you have or how you've avoided having them would be much appreciated.


About the avatar, that's funny, I just assumed it was a Devil... but then again... you are close to the darkside :lightning


I was only kidding about making Holik. I'm only into Star Wars characters for this game. If you are looking for ideas... I've got lists of 'em.


Did you make it to the exhibit? With the work you've done, I'm guessing "No".


Great job so far, man.




Oh! One other thing. You mentioned that you used a dark blue for this initial skin (which I know is just to check him out with in game -yadda, yadda, yadda), but I was just wondering if for the final skin you were thinking about using a blue shade, because his robe is definitely black. It just gets the blue shading from the lighting through his window and such.

I think we've all talked about this earlier in this thread LOL


I love this stuff

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Triiiple, That's exactly what I meant, I have not added the inner layer of the robe as of yet, or capped the bottem of the robe, so you can see through parts of the robe. I'm still playing with the weights, right now I have the bottem of the robe set up almost like a model with pants. I'm going to experement with some other areas. He actually looks rather good the way I have it now, the robe moves with his feet, with no cliping at all, it moves quite a bit like a real robe, with the exception of certian moves. (jump) Take a look at BloodRiots (and of cource Asbath) Robed Tyrion model, it moves for the most part the exact same way :)


nomad, I actually thought of the same thing when I saw the shot, I just need an imperial shuttle prefab now :)


The robe has come out much better than I thought it would with the first weighting. When I exported the model again today with some bug fixed (fixed all the normals, got the head lined up right, and got rid of all the visable segmentation lines) the robe looked proportinally correct (the bottom has to come out some though) to me, and much to my supprise the sleeves almost look perfect now. (medium sabre stance really looks the best, the sleeves are perfect, and he's bigtime hunched over) I was expecting to have to tweak the hell out of them, but with the exception of adding caps to the sleeves, and some other positional tweaks I'm going to make, they look great :D


Unfortunatly I couldn't make it up to the exibit on time, I was a little too busy to get up there. I've heard that the Smithsonian has the same (or simmilar) exhibit, and I might actually be able to get down there sometime this summer.


Oh, the color I used on the robe was R 0 G 0 B 2, so it's essentially black. For the CTF blue skin, I'm going to try and match the color of the reflected light in some of thoes shots. The main robe will definatly be black, with some highlights of cource ;)


Time for some zzz's


CT :lightning


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awesome model you've created toonces. it took a bit getting used to the idea of this guy wielding a saber, but i REALLY dig it now.


and in all honesty, i don't have anything to say ... i am literally speechless. keep up the great work!

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In those in-game shots, I notice that his face is quite deformed. Although he was pretty ugly in the movie, he wasn't quite THAT ugly.


Also, the cloak isn't too good. It looks like just a black cutout on the screen.


Perhaps you could add some more shades into it, like some grey, and give it some texture it would be better.

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heh, I was just about to post one DarExc. I'm almost finished with the Sidious face. Just the lower section of the head is visable. I'm getting close, I'll post a shot of his face soon.


The model for the most part is done, I just have to skin it now. I've almost finished with the faces and hands, but I havent really started on the robe yet. I'm not so great with cloth.


I'm also having a little problem with the mp icon. For some reason I get an icon on the main menu, and can even use him as a bot in mp games. The problem is that his icon seems to be missing in the avatar select tab IN game. I have to type model palpatine to get him to load, wierd


I'll try and get a couple shots of his face up asap


CT :lightning


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Elkin, If you read a few posts up you'd understand why it looks that way. I haven't put more than a very basic skin on him. It looks like a black cutout because that's basically what it is. It's an extremely basick skin, just color, that's it, this will change.


As for the face you see now, that's not finished yet, but it's close. I think I have a pretty good likeness so far, and have received countless compliments on it, but you cant please everyone


CT :lightning


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You've got me, that's a theroy


Alright, time for an update :) The model is officially in beta as of tonight. I spent most of my time tonight in max fixing some modeling bugs. The model is now 90% complete. All surfaces have been modeled. He'll be 100% as soon as I realign some tags, and play with the weights on the back of the hood. With his rounded shoulders, the hood clips a bit too much, I have to find another bone to weight it to.


I added some minor highlighting to the robe, it's no longer a "black cutout" as was described earlier, it now has recognisable folds, as well as a cloth pattern that I beleive it close to the actuall robe.


It's go time, I'm going to try my hardest to get this model out asap. Most of what's left to do now is skining :D


Shots to come tommorow, (I promise) and bright ones too DarExc ;)


I'll keep everyone posted


CT :lightning


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The pink elephants love beta!!


Great news, Toonces! I can't wait to use my favorite hero :lightning


:holosid: I sent you a PM yesterday to ask about some modeling steps. I still can't find any info on how to import the root.xsi!

(I've been working on two different musical recording projects, messing around with Gmax, and learning how to juggle... seriously)


Are you good as far as sounds are concerned?

Let me know if you need any help on that end, as I've done some work on other models in that area.



Looking forward to the next update too. This has been a great thread :)





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Heh, thanks Xyphox :D


A little mini update, no new screenies yet, but tonight when I get home for sure. I've teamed up with nomad to help with the sounds. This'll speed up the project signifigantly :) He also has a digital copy (I think that's what he said) of RotJ so we'll be able to get higher quality sounds. I'm going to try and go through TPM tonight and take notes for Darth Sidious. I'd love to have completely diffrent sounds for him, hopefully we'll be able to pull that off, will definatly add more charecter to the models :D


Let me know if you guys have any good suggestions for Sidious, I've got a pretty good Idea about the Emperors sound pack, but not for Sidious


I hate to say this, because I might end up jinxing myself, but as long as we can get the sounds ready in time, I beleive we're looking at a release date sometime next week. I work good under pressure, so perhaps seting a soft release date is a good idea :)


CT :lightning


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Hey Toonces,



Do you need Palpatine lines for a voice pack? I think this link will help. It has pretty much every Episode I Senator Palpatine and Darth Sidious line in .wav format. It also has a lot of Emperor lines from ROTJ (including my fav, "Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the Dark Side.") No Episode II, though.




You might find this to save you a lot of time. I don't know. Tell me if they work or not, eh?

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Thanks Angel :) It gave me a good idea on what I could use for Sidious. Unfortunatly thoes wav files are much too low quality to come with the model, but thanks for the link :D


Here's a new pic, I havent really touched the faces yet, thoes I'll do last. I did add plenty (maby too much) highlights twards the bottem of the robe





Sorry the pics are so big, I wanted to get them up fast and they were a little inpromptu (I didnt intend to take any shots)


CT :lightning


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Time for a quick update. I was able to work quite a bit on the skin this morning (no face work yet, soon) I took some time and put up some new shots, hopefully they are a little brighter this time (Let me know if they are still too dark DarExc)




There are still a couple of modeling flaws to work out, every time I update the skin I seem to find a new one. Right now the hands are the problem, they bleed through the sleeve a little and dont grip the saber right. Other than that he's coming along nicely :D


When I get home tonight I'm going to work like crazy :)


CT :lightning


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