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WIP: Sidious\Palpatine very early model

Adonai Saboath

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Sith Lord, its pretty much a wrap with the face you nailed it, congradulations. 10/10 on your first try! (note: The yellow around the eyes on the smirk skin looks better than on the no smirk skin, but I guess you just didn't get around to it) Asked for smirk/no smirk.... Hmmmm. I think I'd have to go with... no smirk.

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I think you should definatly change the mouth to something different. Maybe a deep frown would look good? Anyway at the moment the smirk is to subtle, he kinda looks like a chimp


I can see why you said that. It has to do with the dark shading below the nose and above the lip. Besides that the skin is pretty much there. The models head may be too round (cheeks come out too much) compared to the pic, but thats a modeling issue.



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if you wanted you could do a simple shader that uses both smirk and non smirk on the same skin. So every so often he would smirk... if you wanted. I have done it before I could do it again.


on the holo palpatine at the mo it is a no go as I can't work out good enough shader code... i am still working on it so stick with me.



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I don't think good looking holograms (and I'm not talking about the crappy ghost effect they used on Morgan) are possible in JK2. The one they used with Mon-Mothma is not a model, it's a screen shot of the model which was then edited into two textures - back and front. It's a crappy effect really, with Anti-Aliasing it's all too obvious it's low res.

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Ok, so basically its looking like no smirk by a landslide, So that will be the skin we use. (Arco if you want to try the shader I think it would be cool. maybe when he kills he can smile :) ) keo as for the yellowing of the eyes. I forgot to add it to the no smirk. I will do asap. as for the nose I see what you mean on the differant angle shots. ill try and fix that too. and what exactly did you guys want me to do with the shading on his upper lip? make it more dark or light??



-Sith lord

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There you go guys, I still am partial to the smirk myself, but I'll leave it up to the group like Sith suggested :)


I also posted an ingame closeup shot. It's in direct lightning


I was also messing around with a few shaders earlier, I was able to make him transparent and blue with a little noise, but it definatly didnt look quite like holo palp. I'm just starting to learn how the shaders work though. If anyone can do it Arco can :D


CT :lightning


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