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WIP: Sidious\Palpatine very early model

Adonai Saboath

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These are the only ones that are good in my opinion. In the later one by Sitlord he looks like a rotten lemon (Sorry man, but I feel like I have to be critical if instead of advancing you take a step backwards...). The rest are good skins in general, but they don't resemble Palpatine... I'm sorry I'm so harsh, but that's the way my critique goes :(

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Forums end, I made that skin...just wanted to clear that up in case you haven't been reading.


Kn1ves - I don't consider it a step back. my olds ones were too smooth and cartoony, the only problem with that pic was the skin was too green and the eyes too yellow, an easy fix to say the least. I appreciate your CC


expect updates soon guys

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Originally posted by Toonces



After looking at this picture for a long time i cannot make any descision which face is best.


However i would say that the robe from the middle one is the best:)


How come three of you are working on the emporer skin? shouldnt one be working on a young sidious one?


Great work so far:)

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I have to agree, out of the three robes the middle one looks the best. As for the faces, they are all cool looking, but the closest resemblance to the emperor goes to the one on the left, though even that needs some work on the mouth (FROWN DONT SMIRK!) :) Keep it up

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Suposidly one of his clones from the EU had a saber. I could try and model it, but it's pretty non distinct looking, and since he never used one in the movies I dont know if I'll do it. I was thinking of modeling his cane though, I could do a cane saber :) I've been working on Kit alot so I might not get that finished.


I have been working on my Sidious skin, I should post a few shots for you guys to take a look at. He looks a little bit like Palpatine, but I'm not happy with it yet.


Arco is doing a Young Palpatine skin. I havent seen it yet so I dont know where he's going with it.


We're close, the sounds are now finished (except for maby one, nomad might change one of the 12 taunts) and I think the weights on the model are now final. He's looking great in game, we're just finishing up the skins.


This project has been a long long time in the making. This has been a great learning experence for me, and have immensely enjoyed working with this great team. I hope you guys all like him as much as we did working on this project. I still cant set a timetable for release, other than saying soon :)


Oh, before I forget, §ith Lord, let me know if you received thoes textures I sent you. It seems every message I sent out recently has been bounced back at me




Powered by Sith :lightning

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Hey Guys,


I just sent Toonces my new textures, expect screenies soon.




t3rr0r - That micheal Jackson skin was the start of my palpatine skin, not sidious. as you can see Ive greatly improved upon it (in my opinion)


It'll be done soon guys, just hang in there

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Originally posted by §ith Lord

t3rr0r - That micheal Jackson skin was the start of my palpatine skin, not sidious. as you can see Ive greatly improved upon it (in my opinion)

no, no... it was before you started your palpatine skin. the hood was tugged down over the eyes, and nose was pointier. ;)

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Looks good. It would look better if the inside of the hood were darker as in the icon.




That's not quite what I meant, I was thinking about makeing a hilt that resembled his cane.


I understood what you meant. Reversal of the grip probably wouldn't be necessary but you could move the grip to the center as in quamosity's force pike rendition.


I probly wont do that, I dont want to delay his release any longer than I have to


Understandable. I'm just saying this in case you plan to make it in the future.

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