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WIP: Sidious\Palpatine very early model

Adonai Saboath

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Shock value is good, they did a great job on that model :)


I altered the hood for Sidious so it covers his eyes and is positioned the way it looks in the movies. On Psynex's skin/shaders you can only see the bottom half of his face, it looks really cool :)


I've rigged his jaw bone and so far so good, I have to make a few adjustments before I'm finished, but it looks good.


I've got the lod's halfway finished too, they are but a minor annoyance to set up, but worth it in the long run




Powered by Sith :lightning

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Originally posted by Psynex

Sithlord: Toonces contacted me on that blue flames caps deal, and it's very possible using shaders to pull that off.


Psynex, or Toonces, If you get this blue flames shader working, do you think you could lend me a hand with my model? I'm working on a Joruus C'baoth model. I don't know if you've heard of this character before, but he is a Dark Jedi from the Expanded Universe, and in ,The Last Command, when he dies, there is an explosion of dark energy, much like the emperor in Return of the Jedi. I would greatly appreciate any help you could offer. Stop by my thread if you want to see the latest pics. Thanks.


-I would of PM'ed this to you, but none of my messages are going through.

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§ith, when I click on your links, it says your site has exceeded it's allocated data transfer, so I only have Toonces' screenies to look at, and those are kinda few... :( Yet everyone else comments on the screenies, therefore they probably can see them. *Cries* I wanna see Vader whooping Palapatine's ass too!

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Originally posted by Darth Vigrid


Psynex, or Toonces, If you get this blue flames shader working, do you think you could lend me a hand with my model? I'm working on a Joruus C'baoth model. I don't know if you've heard of this character before, but he is a Dark Jedi from the Expanded Universe, and in ,The Last Command, when he dies, there is an explosion of dark energy, much like the emperor in Return of the Jedi. I would greatly appreciate any help you could offer. Stop by my thread if you want to see the latest pics. Thanks.


-I would of PM'ed this to you, but none of my messages are going through.


Do you think you could offer me any help with this?

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I didn't want to tell everyone this, but there are always reasons release dates get pusehed back. And it's a good thing toonces hasn't set one yet. I ran into 2 problems skinning the hologram's effects. One, the moving lines you see scrolling down the image in my avatar, work partially on the model. Two, that flickering effect you see with the distortion, I just found out isn't even supported by jk2. So I have to find an alternative.

Believe me I'm working my hardest on bringing the most realistic rendition of a great piece of Star Wars technology, but I'm also doing something unprecidented (look it up!).


I forgot to add for Darth Vigrid: "Patience you must learn patience". That or find someone else to help you. As you can already CLEARLY see, we're already involved deeply in this model. For now you should keep looking and if you still get nowhere with it after we're done, then ask us again.

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Originally posted by Psynex

I forgot to add for Darth Vigrid: "Patience you must learn patience". That or find someone else to help you. As you can already CLEARLY see, we're already involved deeply in this model. For now you should keep looking and if you still get nowhere with it after we're done, then ask us again. [/b]


Thanks Psynex, I'm very patient, I just wanted to get a response from you. Believe me, I know what it takes to finish a model. Anyway, the Palpatine model is well ahead of mine in terms of completion, and I was only asking for assistance after it was done. Good luck, with all your work on this model.

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unfortunately no. Toonces just got back to me last night. It wasn't good news. He says part of the model may need to be completely remapped.


Toonces if you're reading this and are remapping that part of the model, I'll keep 2 copies of the my skin. One for what's already done and one for the adjustments. That way if I still can't get it to work, you can just release the already damn-near-complete model to the world and we'll just have to use what I've got.

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