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WIP: Sidious\Palpatine very early model

Adonai Saboath

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Hey guys. Toonces I never got your letter and this freakin site went down on me after I typed a pretty large post about my progress. Basically I was saying that after spending almost all of Saturday trying to get some special effects working, I have nothing but most of the original screens you have already seen. I've run into so many hurdles trying to accomplish what I had set out to do. Withough an almost complete remap, or some REALLY crazy idea I brought up to Toonces a while ago, I don't think ANYONE would be able to succesfully pull off the hologram image in 3D (as of game engines right now).

I wanted to pack this thing up as I have it for you Toonces to release anytime you see fit. I'm going to make a small Readme section right now documenting my trials and tribulations in hope others may want to jump on the project and help me to solve this thing once and for all. I'm willing to work on it even after the release because if we can get it to work who wouldn't want an update? But I may also work on an Episode 1 style hologram skin using the yoda ghost shader I worked on a while back. That seems a lot easier to reproduce.

Toonces, I haven't finalized a file since yoda ghost, what folders and files need to be included so I can just send it to you and you can just plop it in place?


Oh, BTW I also wanted to add that I may have the answer to your flaming caps and it could be just a simple matter of changing 2 images!

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My e-mail server has been acting up recently so perhaps that's why you didnt get my e-mail :(


Just send the files over when your ready, I'll sort them out when I have them :)


I'd be intrested in hearing about those flame caps, It would be a cool effect to do if it's possible :)

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I haven't gotten it yet, I did make up a blue skin quick though



I'm doing the LOD's, and It's almost ready, I still need to finish the Sidious skin. Sithlord was going to make one, if he's working on that I'd be happy to use his because it would end up being more accurate


Psynex's skin will be in there, but I don't think It will be a ctf skin anymore, I tested it with my brother and it's not bright enough to see from a distance sometime. It will be in as an alternate skin though

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Yeah, that's another problem with that damn thing. It's hard to see from afar or on brighter maps. It makes me sad I spent all that time and can't give anyone here the effects. If you're to look at my avatar or the icon in the player select, that's what I was shooting for and would have been able to pull it off if it weren't for the limitations of the shaders. Though I did a bit of reading on Direct X 9.0 and the new ATI Radeon and that should be nice...maybe we can have it then.


Toonces, I had the file packed but accidentally left it at work. I'm going to run and get it tomorrow for sure and I'll even use those 2 carma carrying words I PROMISE.

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Yeah, I very much apprishate all your hard work Psynex, It might not be exactly the effect you were looking for, and it sounds like the engine doesn't support something quite that elaborate, but it still looks really cool, and everybody will love the skin anyway, it really looks great in game :D


I decided to bump the skin to one of the default skin because like I mentioned earlier, you can hide on certian maps, from a distance, it's really no big deal in any game type but Team games, so just to be safe it wont be selectable as a CTF skin.

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Psynex, yeah that sucks when you work and work at it, but it just can't come out the way you'd like it to, but don't sweat it. You have earned our respect and grattitude!

I've gotten to try a preview version of the holgraph skin, and it seemed really cool, so I imagine that what you have finished now, is probably pretty damn good. Thanks for all your hard work Psynex!


Hey, Toonces, I've seen on your Fisto thread that there is that glimpse of teeth after the yellow lunge in MP. Have you looked for or noticed any other such animations? Too bad they don't have a mean grimmace (a nasty frown; not a large purple guy) for when they use lightning. I guess that would have been too cool.


"You'll pay for your lack of vision!" :lightning

aah that felt good. I don't think I've posted here often enough recently.



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Originally posted by Toonces

I still need to finish the Sidious skin. Sithlord was going to make one, if he's working on that I'd be happy to use his because it would end up being more accurate


Yeah I'll finish it up, Toonces, I thought I remembered you saying you made the model a little differant for sidious, like where his hood is below his eyes, but in the model you sent me, it was the same. I was wondering if you are still planning on doing that. it would look better if you did, but if not I could just skin the shadows so you can only see his face from the nose down.


btw guys, if you wanted to dig me up some good reference shots id appreciate it. all the shots I find are from a side angle (ala Psynex's avater) Id love to get my hands on a straight closeup of either sidious or senater palpatine looking straight at you. so if any of you forum goers wanted to get me those, it would make it faster for me to complete, and the skin would look alot better

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