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WIP: Sidious\Palpatine very early model

Adonai Saboath

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You and me both Keo :) he should have been ready months ago, but I didnt really know what I was doing at the time so I made a long list of mistakes.


I just hope you guys like the model, If I had to do it again It would be completely diffrent, with the exception of the skins which are by far the stars here. The modeling isn't quite up to my standards anymore, neither is Kit for that matter, but I'm still proud to have worked with such great artists on this project


You guys have all been wonderful, I probly would have given up modeling if it wasnt for the encouragement you all have provided. I know this forum is knocked around a whole lot for having spam, and flames, but there are many more good people around here that eclipse all of that

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I'm not really sure T3rr0r, I'm going to be doing some models for the AOTC:TC, and I plan to finish my Luke remodel as soon as I have these two guys out.


I'm gonna be rigging Tex's models as soon as I get the texture coords for them, as well as Tercero's Anakin model.


I'll keep you guys informed about thoes episode II models I'll be working on, as well as anything else make :)

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Ok Toonces , Im finished with the sidious skin. I compiled both the Emperor Model and Sidious model into seperate pk3s. I made ctf skins for both of the models and made icons for all versions as well. I still am getting the see through hood problem and get the error message head_hood_inner.jpg not found in palpatine.shader or something. Im sure you could fix that. Sidious still needs sounds. Im sure nomad will do that. maybe "wipe them out....all of them" and "Not for a Sith" could be usedas taunts.I dont think I can email the pk3s to you due to size limitations. if you want me to I could upload them to drivingcatstudios.com myself for you. you would have to email me on how I could do that.



-Sith Lord

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Dont worry about sending me all that stuff, if you can e-mail the textures and the icons that's all I need, I'll compile the pk3 here. You dont need to send me any of the textures that you didnt modify, or the model.glm files


The hood shader is finished, I'm having trouble with the lightmap but that's the last hurdle I have to tackle. It gives you that error because I've been lazy and havent removed that line of code from the .skin file :p


Once I get all the stuff I'll begin to pack it all up. I have one more LOD to do and we're all ready. Gotta fix the pain sounds too, they are way too repetive which is a shame because they fit the charecter so well


If you have problems sending it to me Sith we'll figure something out


He'll be ready very soon :)


edit: I may scrap the rest of the LOD's, the main model is 2400 polys so I really dont think multiple lod's are nessessary, we'll see :)

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Toonces, since you'll be working on your website anyway... Maybe you'd lend me a picture slot or two so I could start a WIP on the forums? Ole-buddy-ole pal? ;) I'd like to work on it along side you if you're interested. I basically need help getting it in game; I'm pretty profficient with max and I am starting to have confidence in my modelling abilities. I think it's time I start my jedi trials and put a damn model out eh?

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