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WIP: Sidious\Palpatine very early model

Adonai Saboath

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Sure Chesire, I beleive this is what you want :)


Overall, I'm pretty happy with how he's coming out, the only problem I have is with the torso area, but perhaps I should see what I can do with the skin. Other than that I just have some minor tweaks to do before I uvmap the rest of him and begin weighting





CT :lightning


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Still lookin good :) keep it up! Have you considered adding a rope or belt around his waist just for contrast between the lower and upper body. Also there seem to be some hard lines where the arms and torso connect, is there a way you can soften those (actually that might be solved when the skin is added but im not sure).



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Thanks guys :D


I wen't back and actually found a I had accidently snapped the wrong vert to the torso (from the waist) so that line at the waist is pretty much gone. As for the arms, I'm going to wait until I map the arms/torso before I mess with thoes lines, I think the skin will do the trick, but if not I shouldnt have a hard time getting rid of them


As for the belt, there definatly be a belt on the inside layer of his robe, I noticed that there was one there last week when I was going through RtoJ looking for sounds. I really love getting little details like that :) Right now I'm just trying to finish up the torso, to get as much of a flowing look as I can get before I skin it


Gettin Psyced :D

CT :lightning


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Excellent, Lord Toonces.

Everything is going as planned.


Are you going to take a day off to go to the Star Wars Magic Of Myth Exhibit?


You deserve the reward :lighting


Have you gotten some good sounds?

I'm going through Empire tonight to try and grab some ESB-Luke sounds.

I also plan to go through Jedi, because I've given Luke some new sounds, and I'd like to add to it.



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Toonces, flat shaded means no smoothing. Like it looks in the viewport, but rendered. Just add smooth to the stack click autosmooth then uncheck it and render while smooth is selected in the stack.


That way we can get a better idea of how the model is built.


Keep it up!

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Nah, no day off yet Nomad, but I'm going to definatly make time in the next week or so to do so :)


I haven't recorded anything yet for him, I just watched certian parts and took mental notes. I havent decided on any taunts yet, but thoes shouldnt be too hard to do. The grunts and groans will be a little tougher


Luke could definatly use diffrent sounds, the "I want you to let go of your anger" seems a little too timid for Luke


Cheshire, my bad, I wasn't quite sure what you wanted, I'll render some shots like that now


Getting sleepy again :o


CT :lightning


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Love the work you're doing!


I have a ROTJ Luke skin (gives him one glove, black belt) that someone else made, but I gave him:

"I'll never turn to the darkside. I am a Jedi Knight, like my father before me."


I took out "you have failed your highness" from the middle of the line.

The skin also came without a BOT, so I've attempted to add that feature, but I'm having a problem. There is some kind of conflict between Raven's Luke and the new skin. Luke-rotj as a BOT comes out like Kyle. I haven't figured out what I've done wrong yet. I do have it working so that YOU can use him without a flaw, but for a BOT opponent, you have to use the original Luke.


There are SO many great lines for the Emperor. Hard to choose from for only ONE taunt.



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heh, sounds pretty cool Nomad, It'll be cool to hear the new sounds. :)


I was really busy today so I didnt have alot of time to work on Palp, I did have a little fun with max and made this




I'm intrested to see what you guys think about it, I might start a new charecter based on it, or adjust it to fit around the Emperor. I think it might make a better robe for him. Let me know what you guys think :D


CT :lightning


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It's a tough call Toonces.

The new robe looks great, but I don't have any problems with the original one either. The texture and skinning will make all the difference. Really it's something probably only you can answer, but I know sometimes you have to ask out loud.


It also depends on how easily you can swap cloaks.


Did you start this model based around the root.xsi?





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I've spent a few hours putting the cloak on him today, I'll post a pic in a little while with the results. I really liked the old robe too, I just wanted it to look a little more solid, more flowing :D


Yeah, it's definatly a tough call, and yes Nomad, I started the model around the root.xsi, but I've completely replaced every part minus the hands. Using that as my initial template was a great learning experence, I learn well visually and through trial and error.


Edit: (Figured this didnt warrent a new post)


Ok, It doesnt look that much diffrent than it did before, but I think I'm happy with the torso now. The sleeves and hood and torso from various angles appear to be one solid peice of fabric now with some overlaping.




A few minor tweaks and I'll declair the model final, and begin to skin and weight the mesh :D


CT :lightning


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Looks good, Toonces. Only one bit of criticism - he's about 2 feet too tall. If you're going for Prequel-era Palpatine, he's probably only about 1 foot too tall, but by ROTJ, he's hunched down even more. Either way, though, too tall :) Otherwise, looking really good, especially the face!

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I agree with brad fu, too tall. "we are the knights who say.... NI!" lol. Great work on the new cloak and face, this looks incredible. remember that there really isnt much if any color in the face, just the eyes. and I think the cloak is either crazy-dark blue, or black, i know this is just to show us the model, just thinking out loud i guess-- or online i suppose :o .

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Bradfu, I know you've been to the Yoda thread... haven't you?

Anyway, you cannot alter the height of multiplayer models. All skeletons of all multiplayer models are identical.


The new cloak looks nice, it does have more flow. Are the sleeves still long (going towards the back in the latest pic)?





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yeah, the height cant be altered, but it will scale the model down. and if the model is "chopped" to the height bradfu suggests, then when scaled it will be proportionetally correct. otherwise he'll be a beanpole with a tiny head.

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