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Finally! Jar Jar and Gungan Smileys!

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Guest xwing guy

I care thrawn. A lot of people didn't like Jar Jar but I think he was a good comical character. Where is the Jar Jar smiley I can't find it on the list now.

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I like them thrawn! I just got on. :)

Maybe you coould make their eyes a bit bigger? It's real hard to see where their eyes are (it kind of looks like their nostrals are their eyes) ;)

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Originally posted by darthfergie



Remember Thrawn I was the one who sugested it:D

Speaking of suggesting...where is the Duros I suggested? hmmm? :)

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Originally posted by darthfergie

You could paint the 2-1B you have in your sig. Green and you have a Duros.:D


I think we should have a Noghri like the one that was made earlier...Why wasn't that one added?:mad:

Because that one sucked majorly! Whoever made that needs to be hung!

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Guest Tie Guy

no offense thrawn, but they look like puppy dogs kinda. IMO, their faces are too wide, and the eyes pop out of their heads don't they?

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