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Join the Jedi Order


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Silly person. Take thine hollow dreams elsewhere and bother us not. :)



Maybe i'll join the Jedi Order and see if I get access to the secret Jedi button in the game. Up up up down left Type 'im a knob' CTRL ALT DEL.

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hoestly you guys piss me off so much

some of us arnt jedi wannabes we're actualy serious about spending all our time to try and acheive being a jedi


i could say you guys are bounty hunter wannabes, if they didnt want people to be jedi they wouldnt have included it now just stfu with the jedi bagging:mad:

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There is such a small chance u will become Force Sensitive, even if u dedicate yourselve to it.



Hence it's foollish to think u will become one.



Besides, Jedi's dont stand a chance... flamethrower all the way :)




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Yes, it does not make sense that the droids made to kill jedi are equiped with blasters, that the jedi easily deflect, and not flamethrowers or such. It would incinerate those bragging philosophers in seconds. Jedi BBQ, anyone?

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Have you noticed how some 30-40% of the people who post have ambitions to become a jedi and actually plan on what they are going to do while being a jedi? Of course that doesn't mingle very well with the as said percentage of players that will be jedi according to the designers (2-3%).


LOL I think a great deal of people will spend their first month or two desperately trying to figure out how to become a jedi, they spend so much time trying to figure it out that when they finally give it up, they'll be far behind the rest of us and I'll be able to buy and sell them like firewood! MUHAHAHA







Rich Bastard



"Hey kid, wanna buy a blaster?"

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Originally posted by Ulic Quel Droma


and flame thrower sucks



:yoda: Revieled your opinion is!




If I remember correctly mr. Mace Windu fleed from Jango Fet when he used hi's flamethrower. ( But let's not turn this topic into a who's better Jango or Mace topic )






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Originally posted by gavor

It kind of brings to mind crazy people who go around telling people they're going to be a superhero. Thousands dream, but only one gets to be Batman.


What would an Aussie know about Batman? Thousands of kids on Oct. 31st dress up as Batman, besides this is real life, not SWG!!!


Give the kid a break, let him be a Jedi. Are a Dev, then quit pushing him down, thank you!

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Originally posted by Rommel

Have you noticed how some 30-40% of the people who post have ambitions to become a jedi and actually plan on what they are going to do while being a jedi? Of course that doesn't mingle very well with the as said percentage of players that will be jedi according to the designers (2-3%).


LOL I think a great deal of people will spend their first month or two desperately trying to figure out how to become a jedi, they spend so much time trying to figure it out that when they finally give it up, they'll be far behind the rest of us and I'll be able to buy and sell them like firewood! MUHAHAHA







Rich Bastard



"Hey kid, wanna buy a blaster?"


OK...so how are these guys any different from the ones who start PA's seven months before game time. I mean you dont seem to be giving the PA's a hard time after things went to crap with the TEFs and new faction rules.


I cant believe you all are actually prejudiced against anyone who has hopes for being a Jedi.


Wonder how Lucas Arts will treat this ideotic behavior in game.


I mean Rommel, if you take offense to this or call it a flame, not much I can do about it. This new guy just wanted to throw out a post about a PA and show off his site and you guys have pretty much trashed his thread. He probably ran off to another game with more mature players he wouldnt be afraid to talk to.

Sure your snickers and "Im not going to say it" post looks real cute to the handful of people that have been here the longest. But if you cant open your eyes, I guess Ill open them for ya...Yall look like real asses to anyone new to these forums.


Boy you guys sure know how to welcome them in around here.


Oh...and Rommel. sorry to single you out, your post was just the last one I read, but your not the only one. In fact, Ill admit you arent nearly as bad as some of the other guys.

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Hey if you can read this, dont let those guys dicourage you. It certainly isnt wrong to post a PA for any reason, They are just jumping you because they are all apart of the same group who work hard at floating their own ego's.


Bottom line, and Im sure you know by now, the path to a Jedi will be difficult.


But these guys dont want to take the time to try and follow that path because it isnt clearly marked for them. So they are certainly going to try and discourage others from trying at all.


But I have a feeling that the Jedi's of this game arent going to be the moron's who can read a DEV chat and pretend to know more then G Lucas himself.


Ill guarentee you it will be the people like you who arent afraid to take up the challenge and be forever persistant in their search.


Dont let these guys turn you away. And good luck.


By the way, nice site

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*opens his mouth to say something about this thread, then shuts it*






*walks out of the room*


*sticks head back into the room*


Oh and Welcome to the SWGalaxies.net forums. i hope we all didnt discourage you to stick around... if you will I.. and hopefully we will tell you all about why we think this way and react this way..... welcome JediAn.


-Wraith 8-





"You know, if I had even the tiniest control over the Force,

What I,d do with it? I,d scratch that little spot in the center

of my back I can never reach."

-Garik Loran-

X-wing book nr. 5. Wraith Squadron


Rogue Squadron.net

Give in to the insanity. It is unreasonable, but it is your destiny!

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Sure your snickers and "Im not going to say it" post looks real cute to the handful of people that have been here the longest....


and then....


*opens his mouth to say something about this thread, then shuts it*






*walks out of the room*


*sticks head back into the room*


See what I mean?


real cute...

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these guys that have been here a long time are the ones that discovered this game first. that means they are very adament about their games, because the hard core players always get there first. they all have realized that an overpopulation of jedi, where jedi is the most abundant profession, would surely ruin their gaming experience...and since four times as many people said they wanna be jedi rather than anything else on that sticky at the top, they see their game being threatened.


also, since theyve been here for so long, they have heard an enormous amount of people say they want to be jedi. they know there is nothing wrong with the drive to be jedi, but theyve heard it so much its starting to make their ears bleed. a lot of them believe it is too random to declare yourself a jedi already, and they dont want to see most of the people playing this game quit when they cant be jedi. (now, personally, i dont think it will be so random, and i think being a jedi will be do-able, i just think it wont be as fun as everyone thinks, but im just speculating.) im sure most of the guys (and girls) on this forum want everyone to play this game, because after all, the more people that play, the better the game will be. they dont wanna see people quit playing the game entirely just because they dont make jedi. the point i, and probably most of the others that have been here awhile, am getting to is, just make a back up job to do before start your jedi path, or after should you fail. dont put all your eggs in the basket marked jedi. sure, aspire to jedi, heck i do it myself, but why not have a pillow to land on, eh?

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yeah but im not talking about the game, im talking about the integrity of these forums. Someone who has been here the longest should expect similar post from new people. Its been that way since the first message boards. Youd think they would be a little more decent in their responses with their experience. Its called maturity.


But hey, Im glad these peple decided to stand up for LucasGames and help prevent all the new guys from being miserable later on in the game. Instead the new guys will just be miserable here.


But Im sure they will all be glad to know your in their fan club, fueling further behavior of this sort.


I got to admit, its kind of low to trash people within their first few post to this forum. But I think it reached its lowest when people like you cry that their reasons are noble for doing so.


Gee I guess by those guidelines I can flame all I want then tell them its ok, Im sparing them from an even greater fate later on.


So much for the incouragement, conversation, and education these folks are looking for huh?

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im not expecting the people that have been on the site for a long time to do anything but be a human. these questions get old, repetitive, and frustrating. therefore, you shouldnt get mad at them for being frustrated, nor should they get mad for receiving questions that they themselves probably asked when they got here. im not trying to pick sides here, in fact, im really trying to say just what you are, while holding back a good deal. i totally believe that if these newcomers wanna be jedis, they should totally go for it. i dont think wraith and gaalgoth have taken the right path to warning these newcomers either. they seem to want to scare them away and seem unwilling to just let it go. to me, i say go be a jedi, but dont expect to get there on day one. just have a job that you want to do before you become jedi and youll be ok.


i never chose sides, both sides have perfectly understandable reasons to post the way they do. however, as i said in my other thread, this jedi stuff is really the frustrating part because just a few short weeks ago, there were much more meaningful posts. thats why i proposed that the jedi "debates" be moved somewhere else so that the integrity of this forum can be restored.

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