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by the way, i myself tried to argue a bit with the guys that had been here awhile about my own thoughts on how jedi will work, and of course it was to no avail. so what did i do? i let it go. my point is that we should move away from all this jedi debate cause its not goin anywhere. and when someone asks a jedi question in the right area, whoever knows the answer and is willing to help out the newcomers can go do it if they want to. then we wouldnt have to look at the same stuff over and over again.


...and also...i received a warm welcome, free of being called a nOOb, and while guys like wraith are havin trouble dealing with these constant jedi questions/comments, they seem to have the integrity to let go of this desire to press their beliefs long enough to say "welcome to the forums"...eventually...

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just one thing to jedi wanna-bes (not that i wouldn't want to become one :) ) you can NOT work to it, to our knowledge...its more like you get lucky with your environment....they even said role-playing might not do it....just some advice...dont get to sure about

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gee, my first thread I was called a n00b and later on, approxciamtely five post later, I was called a dick for arguing about the original n00b comment.


And it was done by one of the people you mentioned.


anyways, on with my reply...



you shouldnt get mad at them for being frustrated, nor should they get mad for receiving questions that they themselves probably asked when they got here.


Nope, Im mad at how they handle their frustrations. And your kidding yourself if you think they would still be on these forums if someone with their experience had treated them as they treat newcomers.


Not for nothing arguile, if their method of communication was even half as descent as yours, there wouldnt be much of a problem, and this forum would easily be one of the best. But until they wise up a little and act responsibly, this forum will be no better than the others.

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There is nothing wrong with being a n00b. Everyone is a n00b at everything when they start. However, I understand that people gets irritated with answering the same question every day. However, the only way to turn those n00bs into fellow boardmembers is to approach them kindly, answer their questions, and deliver them from their state of n00bness. It's not the most entertaining thing imaginable, but it has to be done.


Of course things would be better if newcomers read every post existing and every link etc. But well, that's not something you honestly can expect someone to do. So swallow that pride and answer for the millionth time whether you can start the game as a jedi ewok bountyhunter in "that cool armour worn by that flying guy". It will fade. Just like puberty. And then they'll appear at the other end of the tunnel as enlightened SWG fans.


setsuko: "It is.... your destiny!"



the board: "Nooooooooooooooo!"

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The reason I post about Jedi, BH and other SWG issues so passionatly is cos I don't want the forum to descend into anarchy. Those of us who know SW very well and have read up on SWG should take the time to educate new members while we have the chance. Once they're up to speed on how it all works, the former 'n00bs' can now educate the next round of new members.

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Almost forgot. Welcome to our forums. We've had several new people here in the last couple of days. Hopefully it will just keep on growing.

Wraith 8

like mike said. welcome to the forums.

i also hope you wil stick around long... it would be nice if there would be coming more new faces on the board.


here was my welcome...ive seen a lot like it too...so please dont condemn these guys entirely.


however i did read your welcoming...wasnt quite as nice as mine so i can see where youre coming from...


i really think there should be an orientation area for newcomers to go to get these sort of questions out of the way. is that something that could be done...?

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(oh dear here comes the irritating Wraith with his comments :D)




uhm.... gosh.... i didnt know i was this hated since i joined the XWA forums. Im sorry i havent welcomed you all that good... ill try and do better.


@Koffin. I wasnt talking about the new guy AT ALL in my last post. i was talking about the thread in general. it was one big flame BBQ.

so that is why i said that... not for the jedi part in it.

And i do agree with arguile right after my post.

Im sorry what happened to you on forums right in the beginning... but Gaalgoth has apologized to you already.... would you please let it go! Your hate is stuck with that.. and you keep dissing us in the progress with every simple post we make...





@ arguile: yes.. sorry ... but i do try to discourage the people that want to be jedi. cause for some reason to me... it is not going to be as easy as they all claim.

im sorry for that aswell. but in the last few posts in jedi threads.. i have just said..... : become a jedi... and ill you a beer. :D. now i think that isnt such a bad way huh? :D


-Wraith 8-

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