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Raven has 7 days to patch Backstab before I take my server down for good.


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Damn, that's why it couldn't find your server. I hear ya on that pull/backstab crap though. I especially got a bad taste of that on jedivsmerc mode today. I used to think I could get pulled/pushed easily before, it's much easier to get bitched around when you don't have any force powers. I shoot, they deflect, pull me in, and in one hit despite the 100hp 100shields I had I died in an instant. I got em back with the det. packs though heheheh. They chase, I back up, drop a pack, and watch em fly. I think Raven ought to at least have these moves consume some of your force points if they're going to have such moves in the game. That way it's there, it happens, but they can't take down one guy, run over to the next, and immediately do it again. Or they can't get you if they miss the first time.

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heh we dont even have force powers like push and pull. and i know for what reason. but the backstabb ist still annoying, its not only for people on the ground. after disabling forces and banning kicks(still can be done but we despise them) the players got better and better on those specials and backspins. now they can even pull a backspin during a jump when the aming is good. but there is no reason to put down the servers. now we have the power to make a patch of our own! ok im no good at coding but im trying to get my people to make a server only mod. how difficult can i be to adjust the damage and timing of the annoying moves and make the other weak ones deadlier. it just requires small changes and the backstabb/spin is just a taktical rather than a sure kill move. the risk of beeing killed while running backwards is to small at the moment. what if normal saber strikes would do more damage? if someone is backwarding all the time he wont survive, not if his beloved backstabb would do just half the damage and none a the end of the animation....

a new hope arised! we shll not surrender but change the game to our needs!

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why does everyone complain about back stab? geez.. if you cant avoid it then your doing something wrong. I my self dont use it cause well im not to great a pulling it off, but i also dont fall for such a cheap and yet very easy move to avoid. IF you must complain about other peoples fighting styles.. ... .. get better?.. .. .. ?

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en contraire!

its not the noobs who are the biggest problem. ok they are ruining the gamplay bcuz u have to watch out all the time not to get behind them, but its simple to kill them since they only know one move: jump high, land behind u and walk backwards while slashing for 10 steps until they repeat the stupidest procedure to watch ever. but the worst problem are those skilled and specialized gusy like me, i never put backstabbing on the DO NOT list. i had fun using them myself since the patch made the fights a marathon. but more and more skilled people got it down and the gameplay went down with it. its no fun watching out all the time not to fall into one of those moves. i tried plaing without against a good player, but i lost bcuz ist just to surprizing if done by a backspin master. raven included a new damage ramping system with the patch, but thse specials and backspins are not affected! thats the big problem and if someone still cant see the problems with the patch he is not an average player on an average server. if u play on a noob server then u wont have to bother much, if u are a superior fighter then leave us whiners alone and go out kick ass!

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Hmm my advice is stop crying about force whores....

ie: push/pull/lighting abusers and learn how to beat them so they reliese that what they are doing does not work. i personally whore absorb on our full force server and i have no problems at all. I must admit that I used to get pissed at it, until i figured out the wonders of absorb.

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Aerys, the simplest solution is to kick the lamers. There are so many ways to change things and minimize the backstabbing I don't know why you'd rather shut down than alter the play...



Check out this thread and try these settings it makes it MUCH better and backstab isn't a one hit kill anymore.



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Originally posted by Cedrin

I hope everyone follows lead and takes their severs down. There are plenty of better games out there.


Why not just run a server without the patch and advertise it as 'Pre-patch'? There seem to be many people on these forums who would welcome this......


If the 1.03 patch spoils the gameplay, then surely the answer is to ditch the patch, not the whole game!

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g_saberghoul2clollision 1


So this basicaly prevents a full execution on backstabs. In some not all cases. Expect the Lamers to pick up some new 1Hit kill move when this is widely accepted.

jediknightii.net also had some other nice commands with this on their post.


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Presumably you can just add this [with +set] to the command line of the MP shortcut - will give it a try. Thanks.


If all servers use this, maybe that will end the Assfighting problem....


Is there also a command line option to rebalance Light and Dark Force powers to pre-patch levels?

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The back stab dosent bother me much . All you need to do is jump up faster than they can spin around .... it's not hard . What bugs me are the guys who camp in high areas and shoot rockets into crouds. I don't think the multiplayer games should have weapons where you have no defence for. Just an oppion but it they take any thing out of the game it should be the secondary attack on long-range weapons:fett:

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Just run the server with the released source code as a mod. It completely destorys the pull/backstab maneuver, and backstab takes at least 3 times to kill someone with default health/sheilds. I've got the .qvm if you want it.

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i hear ya, aerys...i'm lettin the time run out on my server and gonna start a medal of honor server (wish i had instead of this bovine scatology!).


just not having fun in it like i thought i would. and the backstab--OMG! oh well, i'm sure if i complained about how lame it is i'd get some ass telling me to deal with it or whatever, so i'm just gonna take it down and go to mohaa--a game that's actually FUN!


good luck

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