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Damned complainers


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Everywhere I look I see people bitching and bemoaning one arguement or another about sabers down blah blah blah. Why can't we just play the damn thing in peace? It's a relatively simple concept to follow...if the server specifies sabers down, no backstab, etc. then you better follow it. If the server isn't specific about rules of any sort then don't bitch and moan because you got knocked two ways till sunday by every bad move in the book. People go to different servers for different styles of gameplay. Some are for the aggressive "anything goes" players, and others are for the ones who like to follow a certain code of honor. If everyone stuck to the servers that hosted the kinds of game they like to play, we'd have alot less whining and moaning from both sides.

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you cant stop people whining by telling them to stop. this is online gaming, whining has always been, and will always be part of it. people dont wanna lose, and with the anonymity that the internet grants them, they arent afraid to bitch 'till the cows come home.

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The increasing number of moanin is just that more new ppl play this and just relentlessly attack, while the majority of complainers follow old school rules and moan of saber down means peace is gettin dum when I see people with saber off they walk up to other saber down people, turn their butt and do 1 hit kill. :rolleyes:

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