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Some Findings (in regards to the DLL sources recently released)


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Three commands (right before "thedestroyer" too!), were set to only be compiled in when it was a debug release, I took the time to enable these and try them out on a multiplayer server, being a server-side only modification. I had two others join me in a game, to test these commands.


First command:




Rather simple, kills you and your head flies up, and occasionally will bounce up and down. [edit]What I mean by "your head flies up", is that your head is dismembered, and given a great upper velocity. :)[/edit]



Second command:




This one is probably the most hilarious command i've seen in a game yet, want to kiss your opponent? this is the command to use, all you do is walk up and have your saber holstered (if that's the weapon your using). Then do "loveandpeace", it will set your animations to the kissing ones in a loop.


[correction]I took a look at the code for the g2animent command, and found the correct parameters:[/correction]



Third command:




The command showing the greatest amount of use to me. This will spawn a pseudo-entity, that, on certain maps, will have an AI. These will act like single-player NPCs. We had some fun spawning dozens of them at the same time. =)


[edit]The spawned NPCs also seem to be force resistant (you can see this in a couple screenshots, the yellow spheres)[/edit]


How to use g2animent:


Basic NPC Spawning:

g2animent 0

^ spawns Stormtrooper

g2animent 1

^ spawns Rodian

g2animent 2

^ spawns Jan


Custom NPC Spawning:

After I re-read the custom NPC spawning code, I found out what I was doing wrong, here's how to do it.


g2animent 3 <alignment> <weapon> <model filename & path> <sound path>



[edit]corrected the example, typos.[/edit]

g2animent 3 2 2 "models/players/luke/model.glm" "sound/chars/luke/misc"

^ Would spawn an NPC allied to you, using Luke's Model & Sounds, with a Light Saber.




0 - Unknown alignment, probably makes it attack everyone

1 - Evil alignment, attacks you & players

2 - Good alignment, attacks evil NPCs.


weapon (updated):

0 - None

1 - Stun Baton

2 - Light Saber

3 - Bryar Pistol

4 - Blaster

5 - Disruptor

6 - Bowcaster

7 - Repeater

8 - DEMP2

9 - Fletchette

10 - Rocket Launcher

11 - Thermal Grenades

12 - Trip Mines

13 - Det Packs

14 - Emplaced Gun (?? -- Probably not safe to use)

^ from reading another post, this seems to give you the ability to "box" with your hands.

15 - Turret (?? -- Probably not safe to use)



path & filename of a model using the humanoid animations,

eg: models/players/luke/model.glm


DO NOT USE MODELS THAT YOU KNOW DO NOT USE THE HUMANOID ANIMATIONS! It'll result in a crash, (I tried to spawn a protocol droid with a lightsaber.. baaad results!)


sound path:

Path to the sound set that will be used,

eg: sound/chars/luke/misc



Screenshots can be found here:




I have put together a little .ZIP of the Modification I have created, simply extract the ZIP file to JK2INSTALLDIR\GameData


It will extract three files, one file being a BAT file which will launch JK2 with the modification and start with the map ffa_bespin.


Download Here: http://force.tproc.org/debug/debug.zip

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Originally posted by psypete

yes, package please! and a little more detail on how/when it is used?


Well, considering that "_DEBUG" has to be defined to enable the commands, they were just used during development of Jedi Knight II: Outcast, so they are not used anywere.

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in your place, i wouldn't define the _DEBUG var, but alternately use #ifndef instead of #ifdef for these 3 commands only. Who knows what else the _DEBUG does :p

It could enable some features that would slow down the game....so better use the technique that does the precise changes you need

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Originally posted by ASk

in your place, i wouldn't define the _DEBUG var, but alternately use #ifndef instead of #ifdef for these 3 commands only. Who knows what else the _DEBUG does :p

It could enable some features that would slow down the game....so better use the technique that does the precise changes you need

In my modification, all I did was remove the #ifdef _DEBUG block from that section of code. So that's the only area affected.

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Originally posted by Tr4c3r

How come i only get an inactive storm trooper? i type /g2animent 3 for whoever but it comes up as a damn storm trooper.. devmap all is on, and stuff liek that but it wont work? help.



a) Inactive Stormtrooper? That probably means you're using a map that dosn't have supported AI (so far i've only tested g2animent in pit & ffa_bespin, pit dosn't have AI, ffa_bespin does).


b) Stormtrooper? sounds like you're not specifying the correct parameters.

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Here are my findings and what i've done...




What I did was tested out a few maps with g2animates 2 (Jan) and g2animate 3 0 (Stormies) and it was an every man for himself situation, as you can see from this shot. What was really interesting was that Jan (and all of her twins who survived) followed some sort of path around the map (and this is true of most of the MP maps). Because there were so many of her, a lot got stuck in doors etc.


Take a look at this demo...



You will have to put this into the demos directory in your game directory. Actually, you might have to install the mod that normal made (link in original post by him) and then put it into his gamedata/debug/demos folder for it to work. I'm not sure as I haven't tested it.

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Originally posted by Khayman

no matter what command I use (ie g2animent <anything>) it always spawns a stormtrooper. Any help would be great

Wha...? That's weird.. I don't know why it would do that.. hmm..

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Using g2animent when I put anything over 3 it will give a stormtrooper with a bayar and jan's voice ;)

On custom npcs when I specify as their weapon the lightsaber they will just hold it strangely, won't turn it on, will go near the enemy and do nothing. Even the example on the original post with Luke won't work.

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