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Best way to win


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Okay all, I am going to tell you the best way to win every match, especially if you like to be cheap...


Use speed and dark rage at the same time.


Just by doing the above it will speed you up so fast that if you use then when you get pulled or knocked down you can backstab the other person before they do it to you and you can pull off your backstabs so quick that the person wont know what hit them. If you do get hit while you have your dark rage on you wont get killed either. trust me this is the way to go until the game is fixed. you think backstab is bad now. wait till the newbs try this out : )

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Originally posted by MediocreSlacker

Heh I've been doing this . . . .


And I will continue until the next patch comes out. I have lost all self-respect. I hate myself.






.......well at least not many people know about it....yet


i'll just try to play on servers with low force or something until the next patch....

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Originally posted by Twins of Doom


.......well at least not many people know about it....yet


i'll just try to play on servers with low force or something until the next patch....


Now a few people might find out...lol. I'd complain but it's not like the Force affects my style of play :p

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I really didnt want to tell the newbs, but I figure by getting it out in the open, Raven can witness for themselves how unbalanced it is when they join a server and get thier buts kicked by ever loving speed, rage freaks.


better to get these things out in the open so it can be fixed in the next patch.

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Originally posted by leelink

I really didnt want to tell the newbs, but I figure by getting it out in the open, Raven can witness for themselves how unbalanced it is when they join a server and get thier buts kicked by ever loving speed, rage freaks.


better to get these things out in the open so it can be fixed in the next patch.


good point leelink.


*wishes that somebody knew what email to send suggestions for the patch to*

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We don't even know if there is going to be a patch. And now i forgot what i was gonna say... It was something important too...


Now i remember:

raven should try the game out themselves on the net, they maybe the would realize exactly how cheep it is. Who knows maybe they do, maybe that guy i killed today works for raven... But i doubt it cause he told me i'm cheep for choaking him and dropping him off a cliff... All he did was spam backstab...

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Hmmm, I don't know, LL.


What's to stop me from jumping all around you like Yoda in EP2 after a hotfoot, waiting for your force to drain?


I don't use the pull/stab combo myself; if I lead you, what's to stop my subsequent CFA (Cow From Above, patent pending) followed by a forward lunge from inflicting damage?;)


Kidding aside, this seems like a valid tactic against a push/pull/BS player.







Stealthy Cow

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