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One saber in each hand!


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well actually it s possible ....

but will someone everdo it ??

because it s really going to be hard to do it ....

you have to make the animations and that's not easy ...

and then you have to recreate a new saber combat code !

I wish you good luck !!!

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In truth it could be pretty easy if you know what to edit (but then everything is easy:)). Maybe the second saber is not used in combat but only carried along "stupidly". The destroyer took Chang (if I remember well)about 15 minutes to do.

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im a n00b at code right now...but from what ive seen by using some of the code from the galak mech character u can put a weapon in each hand....of u notice in his model he shoots repeter stuff out of his right hand and lightning out of his left...this means that he had to switch hands to shoot out of the other....by modyfying the code to make it so both hands can have a weapon at once..and putting it towards models that use the humanoid skeleton it is entirely possible.......thats probably how i would do it if i knew what i was doing =\

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Um, yeah actually. You can use invisible characters in multiplayer.



It looks to me like they put two people close together, and set them facing thier sabers a certain way, then took a screenshot, and pasted anakin over the invisible people. You'll notice anakin has no shadow, they are both off-center from him. Then look at the saber lengths, they seem very odd to me, as well as the lighting on anakin. Its a fake, plain and simple

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Apparently, the creator of that screenshot used two players, one invisible and one Anakin, then used the noclip cheat to get Anakin's left hand over the other player's right hand, creating the illusion that both player's sabers are being held by one player (Anakin.)


And I believe him.



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