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A (newb) question about dueling


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My friends and I have just started dueling over our college LAN. A week ago I invented a style which has bee nicknamed "the turtle." It involves the fast stance, and lots of crouching in order to use the special move as often as possible. While in the turtle, you have excellent defence, since you are a small target and in fast, and excellent offense, since the attack out of the crouch isn't bad either and can't be blocked.


So, how do you defeat it? We like to go just pure saber, with only force jumping, saber throwing, and push/pull allowed for force powers. We'd also like to avoid backstab laming; if you just happen to get into a situation to use backstab, then its all good, but you aren't supposed to wander around with the specific intent of using it.


On narrow maps where you can't get around your opponent, the turtle is very difficult, if not impossible to consistantly beat. You can't go for the frontal attack no matter what stance you are in. Sometimes a quick strong attack works, but usually the turteler will get his attack in first, which disrupts the strong attack. Or the turtler can just throw the saber a lot, which effectively stops the strong unless they can get around you.


On more open maps it is possible to try and lure the turtler into bad attacks, quickly run around them, and get a thrown saber in. But its very difficult; they just need to turn to the thrown saber before it hits and they block it. And if you ever get anywhere near them, they'll nail you hard, so that solution doesn't work.


I'm sure that there is some method that we're missing to effectively defeat the turtle, so any help would be appreciated.

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or you could try medium (yellow) unique


w (forward) + attack + jump while enemy is in front of you



or the backstab/sweep

s + attack while enemy is behind you


try pushing/pulling when they are crouching as it will sometimes put them into a roll


there are many ways to counter every move, you just have to know how to use them:)


or just outsmart them;)

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if there would be just one single force added -

the Grip [!!!] !!! - my personal fave'.


i would just grip the mother f..-turtler and as he was hangin in the air - i would either put myself into red stance and throw my saber (and is the Throw Saber is level 3 - i would throw and hold it, so it would continuesly slashing the Gripped person).


OR i would push the person, while he was hanging in the air and them immediately red stance and a good slash - that would kill him +))


but thats only if grip was there...



i suggest you try this (Yellow or Red stance)


forward + attack + jump (hold attack and press jump)


in this case u would jump up + slashing the person, and if u timed the jump, u would end up directly behind him - and here comes a good old slash / backstab :);)






forward + strafe (any way) + attack

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You college boys are so funny, "the turtle"? *chuckles. Heres the first hole I see in your plan, mobility, or lack there of to be more precise, if youre crouched in front of me swinging your merry ol' saber my first response will be to back off and open up with my weapon of choice, maybe take a whack at you with the saber then toss a thermal detonator mid-swing for good measure. Another possibility would be a strafe kick you (since your ducking DOES make you hard target for the standard kick) or possibly just jumping over you and dropping TDs, mines, detpacks, E11 fire, whatever there is. Mobility and reflex is everything in FPS, campers/snipers do ok for a while in their special "spots" but as soon as theyre discovered the parties over. You cant just stay immobile and expect your enemy to impale themselves on your saber just because you look like a cute, cuddly turtle.... Something else came to mind, the Yellow Stance Finisher auto adjusts for height, so couldnt I just come running up and flip/slice the full-length of your crouched body?

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this is in duels dude, no guns :)


if you wanna beat him, then simply step into range of his lunge, let him do it, sidestep it, kick him. or, as soon as he does it, pull him into yourself. you'll take some damage but knock him down. as he's getting up yellow finisher him ...

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