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How does grip damage work?


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Howdy all!


First of all, on a side note, I had heard someone say that the patch has nerfed the damage that grip does to you. Is this true?


Anyways, my real question is, exactly how is damage inflicted upon you when you are being gripped? Is the damage exponential or is a large chunk of your health taken away if the person manages to grip you long enough? Either way, the damage dealt seems different from the first JK. Anyone have any info?



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In fact, damage is dealt exponential:

The longer you are trapped in a grip, the more damage per second is dealt to you! But you can free yourself, either with pushing the sith away, or using absorbtion (only jedi).


I don´t think, grip is useful, because it is easy to free yourself.

On the otherside you can use it to throw other players into an abyss.



I hope I could help you.


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the quickest way to kill someone with grip is to smash him/her against a wall until the person dies. i use to love doing this when i first started playing, but like the guy before me said, using absorb will free you and leave your attacker open for a short amount of time.


its still the coolest looking attack in the game, next to lightning. all us light jedi's get is an ugly blue or green skin, lol.

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A common tactic I see for people using grip is to do a force jump after gripping someone while swinging their target around. This disorients the target and makes it very hard for them to find their attacker to push them away.


Of course when people do this to me I turn on absorb immediately and they find themselves jumping into the abyss instead. VERY funny... :)

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Something that caught me by surprise with grip and seems quite effective is to hold the other player directly above your head.. as it seems it's impossible to look directly down and push/pull to escape.. it's always slightly above the player holding you.


Annoying eh? At least there's still absorb.

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really funny to see a gripper get countered with a grip, both rise off the ground at the same time


sort of Death Force Levitation


does smacking them agasint the wall really do more damage? how much? it is hard to notice, since most of the time when i am gripped i am either jsut raised up, i counter it


As a merc i use Absorb so i dont get my weapons pulled from my hands, so i havn't done and Dark Jedi stuff recently

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People keep claiming that certain things have been "nerfed" in the 1.03 patch (which I assume means that they were reduced in that damage dealt). I have played some bot matches (until my net connection is setup, I can't test it online, but it should be the same for bots and LAN games) and I haven't noticed any difference. I have not done extensive tests however.


The figures quoted on Outcast Strategy's Dark Side Force section are accurate for 1.02 at least. Check it out!

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Originally posted by shmacdonald's

the quickest way to kill someone with grip is to smash him/her against a wall until the person dies. i use to love doing this when i first started playing, but like the guy before me said, using absorb will free you and leave your attacker open for a short amount of time.


Actually using grip to smash someone against wall doesn't work in multiplayer, it has been tested.

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An nice combination is to grip your enemy up into the air, and then Force Push them making them take falling damage from the long drop, or tossing them a country mile (thanks to Artifex for the tip!).


That quote is from the Outcast Strategy section. What's this "country mile toss"? I assume that's when you manage to throw them pretty far. I think I've done it a few times, but I can't do it consistently. How did Artifex say to do it?




P.S. Also, is it grammatically correct to say "an nice combination?" Something that I always forget is to say "an historic occasion." I always say "a historic occasion" by accident.

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if you were speaking a good American dialect of the english language (boring!!! but only way to explain) than you would use "an" b4 any word starting with a vowel and you would use "a

" b4 all words starting with a nonvowel.


an apple

a car

an exam

a monkey


but it doesnt really matter anyway becuz ya talk how ya talk. i hope you had fun learning children.

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To propel someone away just let go of grip and use force push, be mindful that push/pull only push forwards or backwards, you can't aim straight up and push someone straight up.


I remember once I was a bit overconfident and let someone grip me for about 10 seconds, pretty confident that he would do very little damage at the most... I didn't realize that the damage increased over time and found myself at 40 hp before I knew it! Yeouch!:eek:

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actaully, that was one of the first things i did when i started doing force choke.


You need to raise them into the air, then before your force choke ends do a push. I have had my victums fly from the edge to the middle of the map in ffa_Yavin. kinda funny, they usally end up with about 25 health or so, and the middle of the map is ually full of opponents.

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