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The End of Kyle Katarn


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Vader, Ben Kenobi, Dooku, Yoda, Palpatine, etc are all much older than Kyle, but you don't hear bitching about them being too old.




Vader, Palpatine, and Kenobi all got there a$$es kicked when they died :D and Yoda wasn't looking too bouncy in Return of the Jedi.:D

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Originally posted by Vestril

I like the idea of him being a master in the next game. You start off training under him, running a merc mission or two, and learning a little about the Force, then the latest Sith bad guy comes along and Kills Kyle--so you have to learn to use the Force fully, and kill the Sith, all the while walking the edge between light and Dark thanks to the grief and rage caused by the loss of your mentor. Mmmmm...that would be good. Or a Yuuzhan Vong Expansion Pack, or Mod...:D


That is a seriously kickass idea. I think you should send that to Raven.

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Too bad they can't legally use that idea now that he's thought it up, at least without a wavier or whatever, and most game companies are too lazy.


I'd like to see a less-laggy form of multiplayer with massive maps and vehicles you can build and use to assist your team, and balanced so it takes teamwork. Imagine playing a form of CTF, and you and a fellow Jedi hide behind a small wall and call in a strike at the enemy power generator. Two teammates in X-Wings fly in and torp it. Then three TIE's launch from the ground and destroy both X-Wings, and while the enemy base is disabled you and your buddy run in and sneak around the base and grab the objective before the enemy repairs their power generator. You run out of the entrance with your lightsabers drawn and get gunned down by three E-Webs. Now THAT'D be a reason to play multiplayer, not this dippy Quake-Style sh1t. That got old a long time ago.

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For a single-player.... I'm just tired of all this good triumphs over evil. I think they should release a two parter: In one your all evil badda$$ and slaughter busses full of little kids. In the second you kill your master and destroy the jedi once and for all, and complete it by killing yourself. Heh not really but I hope you understand what I mean.

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Too bad they can't legally use that idea now that he's thought it up, at least without a wavier or whatever, and most game companies are too lazy.


Meh, well it's an idea that was bouncing around here in the early days. Not exactly like that, but things similar to it--Raven is welcome to steal it from me--it's not like I could stop them. Could you imagine that court battle? It would be like hurling a pea at a tank...hee hee


Anyway, if you know any people who and to make their own mod, they can take the idea, I think it would be fun to play :) So to Raven, or modders who like the idea--steal it, please!! Improve it, while you're at it :p

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Originally posted by Raptorz922

Kyle and Corran are by far the coolest people in Star Wars. And by the way. Kyle was mentioned once in the New Jedi Order books. It mentioned him as something like a high ranking intelligence official.


Ooh, I must have missed that. Where is he? I've got to go find that now...


Anybody else think that Kyle could have taken that entire voxyn mission in Star by Star by himself, with half the arsenal that gang of pada-wanabes had? The second I started reading that I was thinking "I _so_ want to play this...."

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Originally posted by Vestril


Could you imagine that court battle? It would be like hurling a pea at a tank...hee hee



no... this could work... it would take about 10000 years but the pea would rust the tank, after a time:D




you prob mean---


I've said to much methinks:D

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Kyle is getting old, but not too old. Kyle is still cool. He should fade out, but not yet.


He should be back, one last time.


next time, Kyles back, for one last adventurer.


Or, what happened after Jedi Knight, and before Jedi Outcast considering MotS never happened?


Well, mabye the next game could be a prequel of sorts.. Take place after JK, and before JO.


Or, have him do something after his vacation. Perhaps its time for the entire new Jedi order has to go out on some kind of mission, a new war against the remnant.


After Katarn, bring on someone else.. What ever happened to the real space combat star wars games? Or why is there no Han Solo game!?

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I had an idea that a good single player character would be one of the jedi knights of the new order. It would still have luke in there, and you would still kill stormtroopers (essential), but you would go out on peacekeeping and diplomatic (initially) missions, just as old jedi did. You would start off with full force powers and either a master or a padawan, who would of course get killed, and then it's you vs. the universe baby.

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What about a game where at the start youd choose between light or dark, and that would decide the missions/objectives youd get for the rest of the game.


On top of that maybe it wouldnt be bad if it was '2 player', as in youd start out as a master and a padawan (maybe you could choose which youd want to be), that way for single player the other guy would be computer controlled, but it would also be possible to have a kind of co-op play if you linked up two computers.


Well a lot of maybes, would be nice if someone from the powers that be were reading these posts and got an idea from them for a game :)

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I think if they make it without any ties to Kyle Katarn, then it ought to be under a different name. Dark Forces/Jedi Knight is Kyle's story, if they want to make it about someone else it seems like it should go somewhere else.

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aight, i've held it in as long as possible...



THERE ARE NO MORE FRICKIN SITH! vader and palpy were the LAST sith PERIOD. remember the prophecy that anakin would bring balance to the force? he did, by killing the last sith and ending the loop for good. no more sithy-poo.


everyone after that is just a dark jedi (jerec and friends, tav and desann, etc)


no sith. no games with sith. no used-to-be-sith. no sith. period.


and, just for overkill...


the sith religion was destroyed. the only way another sith could come up, is if there was already a strong dark jedi, that happened to find some sith archive or something, and even then he'd have to study for a couple years, and then train an apprentice. all whilst staying hidden from the jedi. you know what the odds of that are? and no, books/comics written by idiot authors dont count.


so bleh.

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Originally posted by A Big Fat CoW

THERE ARE NO MORE FRICKIN SITH! vader and palpy were the LAST sith PERIOD.


no sith. no games with sith. no used-to-be-sith. no sith. period.


so bleh.




And I don't think playing an evil dark jedi slaughtering "little children" would sell that well. I don't think Lucasarts is going to copy the game "Postal". What you people describe is more like an RPG. Go pick up some Bioware games or SWG. Or if you're feeling really daring, you might wanna check out "Starwars D20" - rpg or the original D6 system. That way, you can play *however* you want to play, and rule the galaxy if you want to.

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THERE ARE NO MORE FRICKIN SITH! vader and palpy were the LAST sith PERIOD. remember the prophecy that anakin would bring balance to the force? he did, by killing the last sith and ending the loop for good. no more sithy-poo.


Hey!! Gues what!! Raven agrees!! That's why there were no Sith enemies in Jedi Knight II. Yayyyyy them :rolleyes:

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Ok, i think that you should play as kyle in a JO x-pack (if raven makes one and, heh, why wouldnt they?) but in DF-4, or JK3, or JO2 whatever ya wanta call it, it should be a new guy/girl you play as..... o yeah and the vong DEFENTLY need to be in the x-pack or next sequel

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im not singling anyone out, but i've seen way too many people do things like "OMG TEHY NEID TEH NOO XPNACHON PAK WIHT TEH SITH BAD GIY!! TAHT WULD KEECK ARZ!" (newbishness added in for effect)


it just annoys me with the ignorance of some people. i mean, as soon as Ep 1 came out, everyone was obsessed with the sith, and completely forgets that there arent anymore.



... so bleh.

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