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A Whole Big Mess-Bookshops and Hangars on Coruscant-(formerly known as "new rpg")


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*Gehn looks around making sure she was really in the cantina*


[Gehn]: i was just at the hangar..i.. dont ... i think this is somekind of a teleporter!


*Ariel eyes the device carefully *


[Gehn]:.. i wonder how it works.. all i did was mention the place i want to go and i was there!


*Ariel scoops up artemis and grabs Tarin by the arm*


[Gehn]: here watch ...HANGAR BY THE OLD DINER


*Gehn glanced down at the screen now displaying a picture of the hangar , there was a flash of blue light and they disappeared*

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*Tarin quickly shuts his eyes tightly, and grabs on to Ariel*


*A split-second later they were standing in the hangar across from the old diner*


Wow... That's unbelievable!


*Tarin stares at the device with a look of wonder in his eyes*


I wonder if... Hmmm... Perhaps not...

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[oos] Hey fellow posters and rpg'ers i am thrilled at how well this thread is developing and i would like to thank every one whos participating. The RPG seems to have been flowing along nicely, but at this juncture i would like to instate a few rules.


1. DO NOT controll other peoples characters~ ie: do not make characters that are not yours do something, such as speaking, moving, or dying, the creator of the character should be the only person controlling that character unless they give permission to do otherwise.


2. Write in COMPLETE or at least understandable sentences and in proper RPG format~ ie: put * * or (( )) around narrations, something to let people know that it is a narration, and please use complete sentences unless an incomplete sentence is appropriate. ie: *Walks away*. The post must also be legible and comprehensible to prevent confusion.


3. DO NOT interupt an RPG~ ie: before joining an rpg try to read the story so far and wait for an opening in the story that allows for a character to make an entrance without disrupting the story line.


4. Be polite~ ie: respect your fellow writers and RPG'ers.


If you do not like these rules you do not have to follow them but please do not continue to post replies to this thread if that is the case. Any posts contravening the rules will either be ignored or deleted.


Furthermore never panic, and always have a towel, or your head will promptly be fed to the Bugblatter Beast of Traal. lol Have Fun!

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[Fitting that Deac should cross over in his 1000th post.]


*Deac is shocked so much by the transportation that his eyes shut and it will take time for him to see clearly. What he will see on the other side is entirely unknown[ Meaning that Redwing will have to decide, seeing as it's his idea]*

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((OOS: Should I start a new topic for it? You know...like when Rwos and Deac left the "Alternate Universe" to another (two) dimensions, they also actually left the topic...:D


I could make a spinoff thread, and when we leave my universe return here. What do you guys say?


Oh, and pointing out that Tarin, Deac and Ariel have a 50% chance of getting "teleporter madness" (hallucinations and aggressiveness; craving action and losing conscious moral restraints); Deac will be given a 'purge' when he gets to the other side as a precaution, but Ariel and Tarin are unprotected ;)))

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((Okay ^_^))


*The group appears in the middle of a city, on a tower. Beneath and around them stretches a city that looks like someone created by mixing Coruscant, Nar Shadda, Earth architecture, and something else entirely. Half the buildings are connected with long, thin bridges with platforms in between. The city is both vertical and horizontal, and seems to stretch away forever. Rwos fiddles with his teleporter for a moment before looking up*


Deac...welcome to Trelles Spaceport, Central Europe Federation, Earth.

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Earth? I think...wait a moment


*Deac pulls out the "History of Starkiller" and reads it. His finger drops to a footnote*


It turns out that Jorvak Highhammer knew someone from Earth. Is this the same place?

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Rwos: Eh...possible, I suppose, but unlikely. The parallel in this reality to your universe is thousands of years into the past, perhaps millions. A natural rift could only have formed then. Now we need to get you a quick medical---


*another masked Swordsman comes up behind Rwos*


Rwos, the Shadows have stopped their jumping and powered down their teleporters. We believe they are transporting the girl outside of Trelles as soon as possible. We have watchmen stationed at all likely exit junctures, but it's impossible to form a perimeter around this entire city.


And there's another problem - we believe that someone has found the missing teleporter already.


((edit for spelling :p))

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*When they walk into the hanger they notuce that the inside is in ruins. Every craft is destroyed except one the outdated one in the back.*

*They notice a man named Kjølen standing inside pointing at an aircraft. It explodes.*


"Hello there, I am Kjølen. I have com here because I heard there is a dangerous and powerful creature hidden somewhere in here. He is small. I must destroy it, for it is evil."

*The mans hair suddenly turns brighter gold then it was before and his eyes were now white. Suddenly an huge dome of energies was released from him and shattered the hanger, but harming no one. A small black squid type thing flies and land anout 25 yards away.*

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*Tarin stares at the man incredulously. He looks around, and sees the smouldering remains of his ship lying on the ground*


You... My ship...! *He starts to sob*


Have you any idea how much work I put into that ship? *Tarin stares fiercely at the stranger*



((OOS: You bastard! :D I liked that ship! :D;) ))

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Rwos: Deac? I just told y...




*Rwos nods to two of the Swordsmen, who step behind him and grab his arms, restraining him. Rwos raises two fingers which begin to glow*


Sorry about this Deac...but if I don't, this is the part where you go insane.


*rays of light emanate from Rwos' hand. They circle Deac, first seeming to fill him with power, then drain him. Deac begins to feel dizzy and faint*

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*Deac awakes*


Thanks, Rwos. So let me get this straight:


We're chasing a mutant and some people who deal in strange technology.


And I have a further question:


If the theory of alternate universe doubles is true, is there a Deac on this side?

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Rwos: No, that would be pretty much impossible. You're thinking in terms of parallel universes. This universe doesn't parallel yours. It comes close, relatively speaking; accessible by the same axis dimension. But the soul doubles theory, as we call it here, only holds absolutely true in parallel dimensions.


*a masked Swordsman speaks to Rwos* So, your friend here's a scientist?


Rwos: No, Evan, but he understands the basic concepts.


Evan: 'Basic concepts' hah. No one but you studies that stuff if they can get away with it.


Rwos: Anyway. Yes, we're chasing a mutant girl. Human. We actually just wanted to get her back here, which is step A, but now we need to move to step B, which is get her back from her kidnappers.


*the first masked Swordsman* Termand, a transport won't be here for fifteen minutes. Do you want to go back and retrieve the teleporter?

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We must be a great deal from my universe. The one next to mine should only be one neutrino out of alignment. So, therefore, I may exist here, but I am clearly not famous.


Or they don't want me to know.

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