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THIS GAME SUCKS U ALL SUCK EVERYONE SUCKS (ESCCEPT MI) im sic of all u n00bs saying 1.02 is good when we all no it sux! backstab sux! BACKSTAB MADE JK2 DEAD u no it the amerikcan ppl no it and bob dole nos it so STFU OMG UR ALL GAY this game is dead, DEAD DEAD DEAD i hate jk2 omg it sux all u need to do to win is 2 run around backwerds and stuff and you make every1 die kyle katern is n00b he sux if i saw him in rl life id ownz him with my turkey huntin gun and my dog would ownz him to! so to som up whut i have sed, U ALL SUCK, KALYLE KATERN SUX, EVRYTHING AND EVRYONE SUX (EXCEPT ME). screw all u newbs, im gonna go play some ffa jk2 now.


P.S. if u ever run into a guy named ARTIFEX ownz him i was like unlit saber = peace and he was like "bahahahahaa" and killed me when i was afk giving my dog a bath i came back and i was like WTF!!!!!!`11`1!`!!!!!!! u killed me when i was afk bitch! kill aritfex if u evr cee him 4 me k thx bye.

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Originally posted by QuietSith

The new patch is 1.03 not 1.02.


Yeah, whatever...


This guy does have a point. Voicing opinions is good and all, but this is beginning to look a bit stupid: When i came here, nearly everyone was acting immature and lame, now that these people have found a "cause" they got even more immature and lame.


Bottom line: This *forum* sucks, not the patch.

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lol, ice, you are as immature as they are if you posted that to make fun of complainers. There are a few ways to deal with complainers, first, it's to ignore them, which is always the best way (unless they flame you personally), secondly, is to respond, understanding their points of view, but showing them the other point of view, and stating how changing it back to their way will put others at a disadvantage. As long as you do this calmly, they should not flame you...unless they are immature idiots (which I would say MOST are not..just some with a lot of anger inside..)

And the last way is to put a post up like yours, flaming them all. This way will just cause MORE fighting amongst people and create MORE friction between people and MORE flaming. If you want to stop whiners, the best way to reduce it is not to poke fun at them, but to listen to them and try to persuade them...nicely.


Hey, don't say I don'tk now what I'm talking about..I poked fun at complainers too, with a sarcastic thread (almost exactly ilke this one, without the swearing). The thing is I found that all it did was get me flamed. So, I say stop and just let them work themselves out.

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Originally posted by icefox98

THIS GAME SUCKS U ALL SUCK EVERYONE SUCKS (ESCCEPT MI) im sic of all u n00bs saying 1.02 is good when we all no it sux! backstab sux! BACKSTAB MADE JK2 DEAD u no it the amerikcan ppl no it and bob dole nos it so STFU OMG UR ALL GAY this game is dead, DEAD DEAD DEAD i hate jk2 omg it sux all u need to do to win is 2 run around backwerds and stuff and you make every1 die kyle katern is n00b he sux if i saw him in rl life id ownz him with my turkey huntin gun and my dog would ownz him to! so to som up whut i have sed, U ALL SUCK, KALYLE KATERN SUX, EVRYTHING AND EVRYONE SUX (EXCEPT ME). screw all u newbs, im gonna go play some ffa jk2 now.



Rofl I had a good laugh. Thx ice. That probably sums up the peeps who whine like that. You got the spelling down too, ROFL.

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Let's sum this up right here:


'I'm tired of your whining you f*cking n00b'

'I don't care what you think'

'F*uck you and your dog I'm l33t and you suck'


'You stfu!'

'Guy guys it's obvious that he really didn't care. Probably just got beat in Multiplayer and needs to get his anger out. Let this die.'

'Yeah, I'm leaving'

'F*ck you and you too. What do you mean let this die? I had to read this and reply to this and f*cky f*cky f*ck f*ck f*ck.'


And so on.

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