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indirect proof that 1.04 is coming?


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This was pointed out on the coding board, thought I'd crosspost it over here so people could chew on it. The source code that was released last week, when compiled unedited, ends up being called 1.03a.


The changes found (can't take credit, someone else posted it):


Blue lunge can no longer be done midair.

Backstab damage already lowered, all three stances.

No turning around while using a backstab.

New cvar called g_saberDamageScale, not yet sure how the game uses it.


Kinda curious to me anyways.. wonder if 1.04 will ever see light or it's now a torch the community will have to carry.

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Great, so they are nerfing stuff again...


Never cared about mid-air lunges...don't really do much useful anyway, just allows for some weird moves when jumping from a good height....


Glad they are lowering the damage, but should have made it blockable instead.


Turning off the ability to turn will screw up all those who have scripted the backsweep pirourette, so that's okay.


Maybe g_saberDamageScale will allow different sabre damages based on the MOVE rather than the stance (ie Light lunge doing more damage than a normal light hit, Medium DFA less (it IS a one-handed swing after all)).

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This game needs to incorporate things that are already there rather than getting rid of stuff because it annoys some people. You can do all kinds of fun stuff if you are willing to go to a cheat server and not care about winning. Singleplay has all kinds of animations we can't access in MP and I can't figure out why less is more for some reason. Boxes explode in SP, never seen anything like that in MP. Jedis sit in meditative stance and pray for healing. I want to bind a key to sit around and wait for people to come to me. I want to play through a rotation of singleplayer levels MP mode. I don't want them to change anything. I want them to use what they have. This game will die when Galaxies comes out if they leave at this patch or come out with a new patch that takes away even more.

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Absorb is way to affective.. It blocks every dark force power theirs. I say lower the amount of force it adds to your gauge when the enemy attempts to use force on you. They need to make it harder to do backstab. They also need to make jump kick harder to do. They also need to make it so when some one saber throws at you then you can pull their saber and use it. I've been able to knock it out of some players hands and they can't pick it up after words. :0) Any who... allot of bugs with 1.3 and I hope they come out with a patch.

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Aw man, if we lose the "Blue lunge" (which I assume means the Uppercut swing, crouch+forward+attack in Fast stance) that means we'll be forced to use rolls and Force Protection to negate falling damage. Doh!!


That was one of the best features of Fast Stance. Oh well...

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That's a horrible thought. I almost quit playing the game after the first patch came out. However I got use to the changes. To make the drastic changes again will only make my retirement a gurantee.


The only thing I think they should change is:

1) Make Backstab blockable if your not swinging.

2) Make kick's do 5hp damage......cause 20 hp is ridiculous.


P.S. (RIP To the Lay Down Trick from 1.02), hopefull there will be no RIP to the Lunge hovering Esacalator move =*(.

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