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You don't need Force Speed...save your force pts!

Darth Viersaan

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Does anyone remember the strafe-jumping from Quake 3? And Elite Force? Well I was experimenting with it in JK2 and discovered that strafe jumping in JK2 is as fast as Force Speed, I was able to catch up to a guy on level 3 force speed numerous times. It is tricky if you have force jump though, you have to slightly tap the mouse button so you don't do a full jump...


Don't waste your force points on speed...strafe jump my friends!!



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Also, you can pair force speed up with Dark Rage and go ludicously fast. Plus, with speed you can instantly change direction - strafe jumping will never allow you to go backwards, or even sideways. You have to anticipate where you want to go and narrow hallways will have you hitting a wall. You can chase me with your strafe jumping, but when I see you coming after me I can just change direction and lose you. Plus, you're jumping, making you vulnerable to push and pull...


I only use speed in CTF games, though. In FFA, what's the point? If they want to run away, fine. I'll use the time to get more health and rockets. They wanna catch up with me? Good, I'm looking for a fight. :)



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The only thing about not having speed is when the guy you've got almost dead decides to run. You can chase him til the shaak come home, but unless he screws up somehow, you ain't gonna catch him.

There should be a force burst of speed *heh*

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strafe jumping is the 'art' of using the small speed boost that jumping gives you to propell yourself around the map a lot faster than you could just plain old run there.


It's probably easier to do in plain old quake, or practice is in jk2 with force jumping shut off.


The basic way it works is you run foward and use one of the strafe keys, then tap jump. Just as you hit the ground, jump again. This lets you 'stack' the speed boost a little so you can go a tad faster.


You lose the ability to make quick course corrections (at least until you get really good at it) but in a straight line you can outrun just about anyone.

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I'd like to point out that force speed does nothing to enhance blocking etc like it does in singleplayer when you use it online, it ONLY increases movement speed. I think it increases your yawspeed but you can do that manually without using force speed. I have yet to see it be very useful except for closing distance.

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