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That damned slide walk!!!


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I bought this game the day it was released, and have playing it pretty much everyday since then. I love it, though I do have a few problems (especially that weird*** Hit zone for the DFA). However the thing that bugs me most is that damned slide-walk everyone's doing. It started out as something interesting to see while playing the game, and never thought of it as anything more than "but-for-show", so I was never interested in doing it. However, it seems everyone is doing it now. I mostly play CTF, and it's damned aggrevating to capture the flag, use up most of your force on speed, and have 3 enemies keeping up with you (and killing you) just by doing this slide walk. I'm not whinig BTW, just curious. I've searched these forums for how it is done, and only found one post, where they said they would not disclose how it is done. But that was over a month ago, and now it seems to be general knowledge (except for me, and some nOOb's).


Could some please tell me how to execute this!? Nobody would answer me on the server. We're all usually in the middle of a heated CTF. Thank You.

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No...I know the wall-walk.

There's this move where the player bots just stand up straight, and kind of skate, without any leg movement. It might have something to do with the floor roll, since people tend to fall into that after skating for a while.

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I think it is just an animation glitch that occasionally occurs when you perform continuous forward rolls.


I'm not sure what triggers it, but it has happened to me a couple of times. I did not notice any increase in speed as compared to a forward roll.




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It has to do with server lag I think. When you keep your Roll button pushed i.e. keep rolling constantly (which is the fastest way to get around by the way, faster than bunny hopping), sometimes it appears as sliding.


I only saw it on servers where I had a ping about >90 and I found the persons doing it being kinda laggy.


So don't worry about doing it, people are just rolling. What I don't know is, if they are hittable in the head while doing so, or if your shot would go over them as if they were really rolling...

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